5days out and in such pain
I am 5 days post op from an open RNY on the 21st. and I am still in such pain. I wonder if it will ever end. anyone else go thru a pain trail like this? It is just sooo horrible. I am drinking and walking and doing everything I am supposed to. I have Percocet pills for pain and have trouble swallowing them even cut up into 8 pieces. I gag and burp for at least 5 minutes with each sliver. and I am in too much pain to forgo it. any advice i or wise words. Help, Sunny,
I am sorry that you are in so much pain. I have not had my surgery yet, but I can imagine what you are going through.
Have you called your surgeon and let him/her know about the pain you are in? Maybe you need something stronger than what you are taking. Also, since you are having problems swallowing them maybe you can get your pain medication in a liquid form.
Hi amanda, I tried crushing it, but I guess I am a weakling..the taste made me gag and that was horrible..like a lightening bolt of pain. I have been walking a lot..pacing around like a caged animal seems more like it and that has helped with the gas which is not really bothering me much. It is mostly incisional, sharp type pain.
You sound like you are really doing well and have things so well figured out.
Next week we will be so much better.

I had to read "call the doc" twice before it sank in..Duh! I'm gonna do that as soon as I log off. Liquid Lor-tabs sounds great. Think thin...I had almost forgotten why all this pain is here. LOL! I feel so bloated and swollen..weight loss barely crosses my mind. Yes! I will think thin! Thanks for the tip..Sunny
OK, now its three times "call the doc", you are all so wonderful. I will call right now and let you know what he says. After I posted the original post I had this thought, what if no one replies? I would have felt so all alone. So thank you to everyone who has read, and replied. Knowing you are all out there is really the best pain med!! Love to all! Sunny
I had my surgery on 12/20 and the first few days were really bad, today I woke up and except for some pain in my incision sites felt great.I have really been amazed because my sister and my daughter had the surgery a year ago.Both of them had vomiting from day one,I have had none.I also broke a rule and got on the scale,lost 26 lbs.Three days ago when I was crying and wondering why I did this, sorta melted away.My daughter lives with me so I have been able to watch her progress ,my sister has lost 136 lbs she is 6' and my daughter has lost 125lbs 5'10,they look great,but still have nausea and vomiting. i am going to the doctor on thursday to get my staples out,I am moving on to full liquids and purees.I hope everything gets better for you ,but I am sure each day will bring more comfort I am praying.
Hi Sunny, Sorry to hear your pain is so bad. My surgery was laprascopic so I didn't have much problems with pain. But I agree that liquid Lor-Tab is the way to go. It doesn't taste very good but is better than trying to swallow a pill. I also got some relief from wearing the abdominal binder my Dr set me up with. If you need to take meds and they can be crushed, they go down well with slushy sugar free popsicles, or slightly melted sugar free jello.
Good Luck to you hope your feeling better.