Never forget where we came from...
I was sitting here thinking about my surgery and how fast time has gone by. But I made a promise to myself today. To never forget where I came from. To never say the "F" word when describing someone no matter how thin I get. To never stare at someone or eyeball how much they are eating. To keep the same personality I've had all along. Too many people get wrapped up in appearances and I promise not to become this way. I'm sure I will have new found confidence but I promise to care about the feelings of other people. How about you?
Leah D
hey Leah my surgery twin - I also am going to make that pledge! It's funny because after meeting and reading alot of profiles not that it is good that we all had to endure so much ridicule either in our face or behind our back
but that we must value what we struggled with and keep it as a learning tool. Like my two best friends are saying "Oh JoJo watch out youre going to be skinny and turn into a b@$ch" which it is not true but trust and believe for those who did ridicule me ( aquintances, coworkers, family) when they finally see the new me I will respond too bad you dont like me, we could of been best friends then
and walk away that is my pledge too! Jo

OH I will never forget where I have been and how much my highest weight was. Speaking of that when we went to Chilis for my final meal...I seen people looking at what I was eating and making fun of me. I will never and I mean never do that to anyone..I am onboard all the way. By the way how long does it take for you to realize your body changes? Debbie
I'm so sorry for those hateful people out there. Those individuals that were looking at you must have their own issues. Society does not see obesity as a disease. They see it as a person that has no self control. They think we sit around all day eating cakes and cookies.
We teach our children to not stare at people that have a physical disability but we don't teach our children not to stare at an obese person.
As far as how long we will notice a change in our size I think depends upon each person. We all have different body shapes. I know I'm hoping to see a difference at least 2 months post-op.
Have a speedy recovery and I wish the best for you on Tuesday!
Leah D