Had surgery 12/01, ,,,,,,,
Well, although it was a somewhat easy operation the recovery for me was horrible, I was release from hospital the next day after surgery, because I was doing so good, that night home I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep, I had 2 c-sec before, gall bladder remover, appendix and nothing compares to this discomfort and pain, then I had nausea so bad I couln't eat so Dr was going to readmit me for a feeding tube, but I finally was able to hold things down, I can't stand the smell of protein drinks it makes me gag, so I am on puree foods now and doing OK, but over all, NOW I wish I had not done this to my body (mutilating it) and it's not reversable, I had so many depressed episodes of just crying like a little baby, I do regret it so much, I never before had feel depressed, nothing I can do now, I wish I really had try harder sticking to a diet and do it differently.