Moved to 12/21!
Hi Guys,
Thought I'd jump in and introduce myself. After much hounding, I finally got a surgery date on Jan. 3rd. First I was told 12/20, then 12/27 or 12/28 then DEFINITELY 1/3. I've been trying to lose 20 lbs pre-op and get stuff ready. I went in today for my final pre-op visit and told my Dr. that before Christmas was better so let me know if there are any cancellations and BANG! I'm now scheduled on 12/21!!!
I am excited and nervous all at once
. I went out today and got liquid vitamins and liquid motrin (and chapstick) and now I need to get the house and Christmas stuff in order.
At least I have an excuse not to go to my in-laws this Christmas
They are the only ones I am not telling about this as they would not be understanding or supportive. I wonder if DH was swapped by gypsies?

Merry Christmas!!!! A new life for Christmas... how can it be better... except I got my new life for Easter..
I didnt tell my inlaws either.. WOW'd them 50 pounds down the first time I saw them... then Last weekend at Christmas party I was down from a size 26 to a 16 and they couldnt get their jaws off the floor!!! I just say thank you thank you thank you!!!
I love this new life!! Screwing up and swallowing to big a bite... the pain doesnt last that long..Only threw up once and even that was easier than pre surgery...