New date
Well as the song says, Christ the Savior was born, (you know Silent Night) so you coming home on Christmas, his birthday, is like a NEW birthday for you too. Just take it easy, the holiday isn't suppose to be about a bunch of work and entertaining people, but rather about family and what they mean to you (among other things) so, I bet you can go home kick back on the sofa or in the recliner and enjoy taking in all of the festive bussle going on around you. Your family will understand, and everything will go PERFECTLY...
Many hugs, and have a VERY Merry Christmas.
I am sorry to hear that Miriam!
Here is something mean to encourage you: My little sister was born on Dec 23rd and we had to spend Christmas in the hospital that year. We opened presents in the waiting room by the tree they had set up! Plus, the staff was so attentive because they are missing their family too.
The point is it is STILL one of my fondest Christmas memories. Because it was SO different. I remember almost every part of it and I was 8!!
Sorry about your bummer, but I hope you will have a blessed Christmas!!