I know what we'll all be doing for the holidays!
I really enjoy this site, it's helping me out immensely, especially in this pre-op period. My date is tentively 12/13. The past few months have blurred by. My doc required me to loose 40-50# before surgery (oh, yea, like that's gonna happen!), but in Oct., I found out my insurance w/Kaiser is switching to a "co-insurance" where I will now be responsible for 10% in 2006!
I'd been trying to loose the weight for a year, but wow, what a motivator! I had to have the surgery before the end of the year. I lost 2/3rds of the weight by mid-November, so they scheduled my surgery date. But then my program manager changed, and now they were missing most of my test results! And the ones they did have were too old, so I had to get them all over again. Plus--the surgons are only working the first couple of weeks in December, so the last possible date they could squeeze me in was on the 13th!
Does anyone else have to play case manager? Kaiser is my HMO, and UCLA is doing the surgery, and I always have to be the middleman. And then the anestesiologist is another entity entirely, and they need copies of everything too! 
My pre-op appointment with my surgon isn't until next Monday (11/28), then he'll look at all my new test results and give me the thumbs up or down. Please say a prayer for me and ask God that His will be done in my cir****tances. Hopefully that'll mean all systems are go for launch! Whatever the outcome, though, I know that He only has the best in mind for me.
At least we'll all have some extended time off around the holidays, and if most of us are having our surgeries in the first part of December, we should be somewhat recovered and presentable come Christmas, eh?
Good luck everyone!

I had Kaiser last year and liked them at first but then they started going downhill. They would tell me what I need to have done and I would do it, then when it was time for them to do there part I would have to call and call to follow-up with them.
Now, I have an insurance that has an actual Case Manager and she tells me what needs to be done.
I wish you luck on your journey and will pray for you and your appointment on the 28th. Soon, the 13th will be here and you will be on the losing side.
My surgery is the 16th and I am excited.
I will be spending this holiday getting things ready. I do plan to enjoy this Thansgiving since this will be my "Last Supper" prior to surgery!
Best of Luck to you!!!