RNY Date set for 12/05/05 in NY - Westchester Medical Center
Hi all:
Congrats to all who are having surgery in December. We will all share the same birth month and go through the incredible journey together. I don't know about you guys, but ever since I started this trip, this website has been so amazmingly helpful. KUDOS to ObesityHelp.com!
Just want to say I'll be praying for everyone and please pray for me. I'm open to emails, words of wisdom, warnings, encouragment, etc. And surely I am here if anyone needs to talk about your fears, concerns, etc. Here's to new life! The best is yet to come. Yeah!
~Lisa M.

Hey Carol. Email me anytime at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you.
Hi there ladies..
doesn't it feel GREAT to have a date.. I am in awe every day I get up.. just knowing that this is finally going to happen. My re-birthday is 12-20-05 and it seems like the days and nights are just flying by.
I wish all of you much success. I will be praying for every one to have a smooth transition.. and speedy recovery.
Feel free to e-mail me as well...
Best Wishes
Open RNY 12-20-05
Hi Lisa,
My surgery date is Dec 5 too!! We'll have to have a re-birthday party next year with all of our fellow December "loosers".
You will be in my thoughts and prayers as they prep me on the 5th. And as one OH member put it, sit down, keep your hands inside the car and hang on tight, we're in for one WILD ride!!!
Keep us posted,
I really like your concept of a birthday.
If I would have given it a little more thought, I would have scheduled for 12/20, my real birth date. Naah, I don't think I could have waited that long!!!
Congrats to you, and everyone else in Dec.
This website is a Godsend. I'm learning a lot, and I feel like I'm making friends again for the first time in many heavy years.
May we all find the beautiful person that's been hiding inside each one of us!!!