My surgeon automatically removes the gall bladder wether or not it has stones... just so it won't cause any problems in the long run. My mom had surgery ( open RNY) in January and her stay was only 4 days.. we have the same surgeon. I don't think it prolongs your stay, but you might want to check with your surgeon.
Best Wishes
Open RNY 12-20-05
My surgeon doesn't remove the gallbladder if she doesn't have to. During my consultation I asked her about it and she gave me some percentage stating that the percentage is higher for those that don't need it removed versus those that do needing it removed so it doesn't make since to remove the gallbladder if you don't have to. Instead they put you on pills for 6 months (or longer if you choose) that should prevent gallstones from occurring. I have dealt with 2 other surgeons and both were to remove the gallbladders to prevent having to come back for another surgery later on down the line. My sister had the RNY surgery in January and it was open plus her doctor removed her gallbladder and she stayed in the hospital the normal 4 days.