Finally have a date, Dec. 1!!
Anyone here volunteer to pinch me? After three years (even more than that) of trying, I now finally have a surgery date, December 1, 2005!! I am feeling so many things right now, I don't even know if I could sort them all out! The wonderful thing about this website is I probably don't have to because we are all going through the same thing. It's all I have thought about since learning of my date. My mind is going a hundred miles an hour! If I wasn't so afraid of ending up in the basement, I'd be doing a major happy dance!!!!
On the other hand though, I am almost afraid to get too excited because of all my past disappointments. OMGosh, I don't know how I'll make it through the next month! Yes, I do! One day at a time, right? May I ask you all to keep me in your prayers? I would appreciate that so much! Thank you!!!

Hi Shawney!!
Thank you for writing!! I will also keep you in my prayers for a very successful surgery and post-op life!!!! I am really nervous also. I have to be dead tired at night to be able to fall asleep without my mind racing! And the closer the day gets, I doubt it will get any better. Whew, hard to keep it all together right now, huh!! Only nine more days 'til I start my liquids only diet prior to surgery. Doctor also wanted me to lose 17 pound before surgery so I have had that to keep me focused. I have lost 15 already so I think there should be no problem losing the last two before Dec. 1st. Do all you can to take special care of yourself until our surgery date!!!!!!!!! I will be praying for you!!!
Hugs, Linda