Congrats and add me too
Congrats to all new December "losers"!!! I am so excited for all of us to be losers together! I chose the end of the month so I wont have the holiday temptations, but just in time for the "new" me and the NEW year!
I am so stoked at the possibilities for all of us to look fab for this next summer, I actually will buy a pair of shorts! I havent worn shorts in public, since I dont know when. I am a totally Jeans person, no matter how hot it got... so the purchase of shorts will be a right of passage that I made it! Again, congrats and well wishes to everyone on this board! God speed and keep us well!
Hi December "losers" Will start losing pounds in December but we are actually going to be winners! The prize a healthier longer and better quality life ! My date is December 12, 2005. I usually take vacation in December any way so when I go back to work in January I will be on my way to the new me. I will also keep us all in my prayers for
smooth sailing with our surgeries and recoveries.