one year surgiversary...
was yesterday, but i didnt get to post. so here is my one year OUT:
hard to believe that one year ago, i made one of the toughest decisions in my life.. and one of the best by far...
before.. i never enjoyed going to the beach. i HAD to "enjoy" watching my daughter from afar, and watch other family members be active with her.. and hated taking holiday pictures, forcing myself to smile...
one year ago.. my friend Willie, brother Ricky and daughter Jessica drove me to the hospital at the butt-crack of dawn .. and kept missing the entrance due to renovations.. haha, almost looked at it as a "sign" to go home, but didnt..
but it all turned out OK.. and kept my chin up, and followed doctor's orders, and tried my best at protein shakes, haha.. and walked and walked (started slow at walking just a few laps****il i could run 3 miles (now)...
now my clients think i am my own "sister".. some think i have been "ill" (lol), some ask if i am new.. but most that know me, say i look younger and happpier than ever... (and the dark spots around my nose/chin.. gone!)
my wonderful surgeon, Dr. Wilson.. who inspired me and gave me the courage to better myself.. he nearly flipped when i had my 1 yr follow-up appointment today.. i am only a few pounds from losing 100% of my excess weight.. says excercise has been my key and keep up the great work. they even took pics of me at the office
to reward myself.. some new ink. the last tattoo i got was 10 years ago.. i have GOT to change that!
and to my biggest supporter.. my wonderful daughter Jessica. she has been my rock, my foundation.. my reason for being. she is most ecstatic that we can shop at the same places.. and that she can hug me and touch her arms behind me.. and most of all, for being in pictures with her.. because for most of her life.. i was the one taking pictures.. being almost glad that noone was around so i was the one that HAD to be behind the lens...
so yeah.. its been a ride that i cannot define. i have lost over 47 inches of FAT everywhere off my body. i have a neck now. i went from a size 26 jeans to a 7, size XXL scrubs to XS.. from XXL tops to S/M.. size 9-10 shoe to 8.. ring size 9 to 6. and i am not even at my personal goal yet.. i started out with my first goal of 150.. doc said i can do better, so i changed it to 140.. he said "130" - i said "you MUST be kidding".. he says "you can do it".. now i am 5 pounds from HIS goal but i see so much more that i can improve on.. so i think i am gonna change it to 115.. 120? we'll see.. i'd still be in range for my BMI. rock on
12.19.05 - Lap RNY
Dr. Erik Wilson
5 feet, 4.5 inches tall
267.5 / 135 / 130
..and if the pictrues dont show.. here is the link to the album:

Congrats ZeeZee!!! You look great, my anniversery was on 12/27. I began my presurgery at 372lbs and I am now at 192lbs and healthy as a horse just not as big as one. My Doctor has told me to stop losing that I am there. It has been a true blessing, I can run with the kids, work out to my hearts content and I have even joined an indoor soccer team. I have always been big and now I realize just how much I was missing. Keep up the good work and enjoy your life to the fullest.
I have decided to get some ink also....LOL