Hello to all my fellow one year veterans. Today is my 1 year anniversary/re-birthday and it has changed my life forever. As I sat down this morning to my (very small) breakfast, I reflected on what a difference this past year has been. It was a very rough start after surgery where I had to indure a few side effects such as an infection in the main incision and mouth thrush, and at the time I thought it was the end of the world and questioned myself as to why did I have this surgery done. Today I know why, it was to save my life and so far it has done. I am free of sleep apnea, free of no energy and most of all, free to enjoy my life in a healthy way. It's not an easy journey and the head still plays mind games with me, such as I mentioned in my recent post about feeling fat. I am down 106lbs and now weigh 124 from 230. Today I feel wonderful, I feel proud of what I have achieved so far, and take each day at a time to get through it still fighting those demons that still haunt my brain. We are never cured from this food addiction, but to be in recovery today feels gr8. I pat myself on the hand today and tell myself CONGRATULATIONS!! I am even going to treat myself to a brand new CHI hairdryer today, why a hairdryer? Because my closet has stretch marks from all the clothes I have been splurging on and I need to wear them now. My hair needs to be maintained also! It's just a little indulgence/chanukah present to myself from myself, and it's far better than the indulgence of the foods that got me into trouble for many years.
Thanks for reading this, and I wish a very happy re-birthday to all of you who had your surgery this month, and to my twins of today!!