Happy Re-birth to all this month
Well, here we are the second day of December. Gosh can you remember a year ago. So much has happened in this past year. I am a new me as many of you can understand.
Life is so grand, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be where I am today. I thought life as I knew it many years ago was gone. Never would I have thought I could acheive the weight that I am at today one year ago. I knew the surgery would help me but get to my goal and look like I did so many years ago. I don't even remember being this small.
Went to my 1 year post op appt last Monday, yes a little early. I was told to stop losing weight. Oh my gosh, I have never been told that. My body fat % is below normal. I have never been below normal in anything in my life. Even my husband told me I needed to stop losing. Just last night he said my legs are bones and he never remembers them being that small. To me that was a huge WOW, since I always had big thighs.
I am home alone this morning and decided to reflect on a few things. I pulled out some clothes that I plan on giving to a friend that I see every so often. I tried them on and just can't believe how far I have come. Again, life is so good post op!!!!
I hope everyone that has a birthday this month has had positive results and can really celebrate their rebirth. Not only will I celebrate my rebirth on the 12th but my actual birthday this month also. And guess what? I don't want cake for my birthday, another first!!!!!
I can relate very well Cheermom! So much has changed in my life the last year. I already have my one year appointment set up in Denver the 5th of January. Worked out nice as we get to go to an Avalance game that night and I also get to see my friend who had surgery too. She's over a year out but had to go back for some reason. Should be a great couple of days!
We aer traveling for the 3rd time this year to Pittsburgh, PA for Christmas this time. My husband's mom has been told that after 10 years of fighting ovarian cancer her cancer has matastised so she knows that it might be the last Christmas we all get to spend together.
Anyway, just this month I have a concert tomorow for Community Orchastra - I play 2nd Clarinet. My little sister came home to play flute and picololo. It should be great. Next weekend I will be home but have a party to go to with my daughter-in-law to and then the big Fireman's ball afterwards. Then the next weekend we have our Christmas Party on Friday and on Saturday I have t oleave for Helena early so we can get there by 2 pm for a surprise birthday party for my aunt who is turning 90. Should be great fun and good food. Plus get the rest of my Christmas shopping done.
Well, all getting sleepy. Keep busy, keep exercising and eating correctly!
Enjoy life!''
(deactivated member)
on 12/2/06 10:06 pm - SC
on 12/2/06 10:06 pm - SC
Happy Birthday, Cheermom and everyone!!!
What a Journey! It sure doesn't seem like it's been a year already!!!
Congratulations and continued success to all!!
Thank You
And I agree with you 100 %
Here I am 1 year out and sometimes I don't recognize my self in the mirror.
I also have come such a long way in 365 days. I have 8 lbs to go to goal. My family also tell me to stop losing. How do you do that? Its taken 9 month to figure out what to eat to lose & live and now go into reverse?
My closet has revolved like the revolving door at Macy's on Thanksgiving, and it still turns . I thought this morning on how & what I would have eaten prior to receiving this tool. I still would be the closet eater, the nibbler,lets have more till I hurt person.
I don't see that unhappy "fat" chick who was out of breath, pre- diabetic and miserable inside.
I see an older, wiser, thinner, person who choses carefully, more confident, happpier
woman. Who would do the same thing in a "New York Minute"
Yes, Friday is my one year. I've been the same weight for 4 months still would love to lost another 15-20 pounds but I guess this is where I've landed, still being good most of the time, very few bad lapses and really not exercising, but my real goal was to live a healthy normal life without obsessing constantly. No more diabetic meds, and reduced hbp. I'll be 60 in May (!!!don't ask, this is the toughest birthday of all!!) and I'm looking and feeling better than I have in 25 years! I still drink a protein every day and log to fitday where I average about 1200 calories, 70-100 gms protein a day and according to all I research, this is a great place to be. Soon I'll look into ps, since I have a gigantic hanging panny and my face and neck have just collapsed around itself. Any side effects are inconvenient but minor in the big picture. My only regret is that I waited years too long!!
Don't forget to enjoy the journey,
Thanks so much for the re-birthday wishes! Tomorrow will be my 1-year anniversary!
I can't believe how much difference a year makes in my 34 years of life. I am sooooooo much healthier--which was the goal, right? To lead happier, healthier lives
I run, I play hard, and I can climb FLIGHTS of stairs before I start to lose my breath. I have lost 107 pounds, and I'm still losing about 3 - 5 pounds a month. I'm sure I'll stop soon. I am 9 pounds away from my goal, and about 34 pounds away from my doctor's goal
Congratulations to all the other December 2005 re-birthday-ers!!!! I'm proud to have taken this journey with you, and I hope 2007 brings another great year full of milestones and "I've never been able to do that before" accomplishments!

Happy re-birthday to you cheermom and all of my December 05 veterans. I can't believe it's a year already (for me the 16th). I had my 1 year check up yesterday (4th) and my doctor was thoroughly pleased with me. My bloodwork was excellent, I am 105lb down and at goal, I lost 16 inches off my waist and 16 off my hips. This time last year I was wearing a size 18-22, today it's a 4 -6. I am staying completely focused on everything, I know the honeymoon period is coming to an end, but for me it's still a new beginning. I thank gd every day for my miracle. Again, a very happy re-birthday to all the December 05 peeps and keep up the good but very hard work.
ps the one thing I find very funny is when people now say to me, you are too skinny!!! Wow it feels soooooo good!!