I am almost a year post-op, and lately I have been experiencing a slight tingling and a very slight numbness in my legs, and sometimes my hands tingle a little, nothing to freak out over, but just want to know if anyone out there has had this happen to them. It mostly happens if I sit down for long or cross my legs. I'm sure it's nothing and not related to the surgery at all. If anyone has any feedback on this I would appreciate it.
thanks for ur reply. I saw my chiropractor today and he told me because of my now boney tailbone that's giving me pain, it actually affects the whole nerve system and that's why I'm getting this tingling, its causing siatica (I know I spelt that wrong!!). So I guess it's something I'm going to have to live with now. Do u get tailbone pain from the weightloss also?
I have been having a "numbness" in my left leg. It will fall asleep when I sit on it (my computer is on the ground as I have just moved and haven't bought a desk yet." But sometimes it still feels numb... in that "just about to get pins and needles" state. I'm really good about my B-12 I wonder if it's that other thing. I have an appointment with my doctor next month -- I should mention it!