How are you upping your calories? I need advice!
Hi everyone,
I've lost 138 lbs since 12/28/05 and have been thrilled with my results. But for the past 2 months, I'm lucky to lose 1 lb per week and the past two weeks, I've been losing/gaining the same .2 lbs... I keep reading what everyone says about upping my calories, because honestly, I'm lucky if I get 600-800 in per day. My question for all of you, is ... what are you eating to up your calories? What's a typical day look like for you foodwise? The days when I try to eat more, I feel like I do nothing but eat eat eat all day and even then, I'm far from 1200. Can anyone help? Thanks!
My Nut insisted on me upping the anty too.. up to 1250-1350 cals a day based on my metabolism. I did a test.. and I guess mine is higher than average now.. yippy. She has been trying to get me to eat 3 small meals a day with 3 snacks since day one.. it's hard.. but I am finally used to it. I eat carbs to up the anty.. but try to keep it to the good ones. Here's my typical day
B: frozen Fruit Protein Shake.. 1 cup carb count down, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of frozen peaches or strawberries, 1 scoop Vanilla Whey protein.. (I still have this everyday because I actually love it and figure I can always use the protein) 32g of protein, 250 cal.
Sn1: South Beach Protein Bar 10 g of protein, 140 cal
L: South Beach chicken roll-ups (great shtuff) 21g of protein, 210 cal
Sn2: 2 lite string cheeses, 1/2 cup of grapes, 18g of protein, 210 cal
D: I basically just eat whatever I want and make sure it's between 300-400 cal.. I don't have to worry about protein because I'm well over my quota by now.
Sn3: peanuts and crasins/ WW ice cream bar, 150 cals
Total Cals: ~1310 cals..
I feel very satisfied with this plan and feel like I could do it for life. I don't feel deprived.. because it is very resonable.. I loose slowly but steadily.. I am 2 pounds away from a 100 lb loss.. 16 pounds from my goal of 140..
Hope this helps
April R
Thanks for the help April! I haven't tried the SB protein bars, I'm eating these Pure Protein ones that are 20 g protein and 190 calories, but seeing what you eat, makes me wonder if I'm lacking in protein, I'm estimating that I'm only getting around 50-60 g a day... appreciate the help and great job on your results, you look fab!
Hi Tammy, like April, I have found that even though I am upping my calories, I am still in a slow losing mode. I try to eat 6 times a day, roughly every 2-3 waking hours. I am eating around 1100-1300 calories a day. Here is a typical day:
Breakfast: Protein shake (around 35 g protein) or Achieve Protein Drink (about 20 g protein); occassional mornings I have a piece of toast and fat free cream cheese; average about 200 calories
Snack: yogurt (100 cal; 5 g protein)
Lunch: Smart Ones frozen meal - usually around 250 cal.
Snack: Southbeach protein (110 cal) or yogurt
Dinner: Whatever I want - I try to get protein and vegie in; usually around 300 - 350 calories
Snack: 100 cal bag popcorn or yogurt or sugar-free ice cream
I have been hungrier the last few months, and find I can eat more volume. And some days I may eat an additional snack - besides what I've listed above! It scares me as I am so afraid of regaining weight. I am still inching slowly downward, though - the loss has definitely slowed down but still moves in that direction.
Good luck!
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for responding! I know you guys are on the right track, just after upping my protein and calories over the weekend, the scale moved, so I know that's where I've been lacking. I've been hungrier the past few months too and it's like I have this little panic in my head that says, "Wait a sec - don't freak out and eat that."
The suggestions from you and April were SO helpful! Thanks, and good luck continuing the downward spiral!