I eat too fast
Any one else???? I don't eat too much I eat way too fast. I still put small amounts on my plate. I know this is all I am getting. So I don't play around with it. If if wasn't for chewing the meats really good I would be finished in 2 seconds. I keep trying to slow down but can't seem to do it. I am not eating more often. It seems like this small amount of food is a bother so I want to get it over with and move on to the next thing.
How long does it take YALL to eat a meal and how often. The only thing I eat slow is my protein drink at 6 am and thats because I am still sleepy
Yes, I am having the problem too. It is just the last month or so...before that I had more control and could wait minutes between bites. It is especially bad if I am in a restaurant. I feel rushed because the people I am with eat fast and also that the waitress wants the table turned over. I also feel I am eating more calories even though I really am trying to keep track on fitday. I don't feel that it is a "bother" like you, but my attitude toward food has definately changed. I certainly don't have the interest and enjoyment I used to, now it is just another thing I have to do like brush my teeth, get dressed and go to work. Sometimes I do take the 30 minutes suggested for a meal, other times I am done in 15. Depending on what I have had, sometimes I pay for eating too fast with chest pain, gas, etc. I try really hard to be more aware. It is hard to get my husband to understand that I can't answer him if I am in the middle of chewing something...and he always seems to ask me something just at that time. The first few times, I forgot and swallowed too soon and paid dearly with pain, the whole "rock in the pouch" feeling. Now I just point to my mouth and make him wait. So, the real answer to your question is go back to basics and put the fork down between bites. That is finally what I had to do and it is working.
(deactivated member)
on 11/11/06 1:49 am - SC
on 11/11/06 1:49 am - SC
I think I finish up in 5 mins flat..I need to work on that! If I ate more slowly, maybe I could hold a little more..??? not sure about that.
I really need to stop losing weight!!! Everyone around me is going balistic, saying I'm looking anorexic! I'm hardly anorexic weighing 138lbs, but I am feeling punie and frightened..I go back to the surgeons for a check up Dec 6th..Hope my bloodworks is ok..Two weeks before my appt, I have to have some drawn.
How is your blood work? I hope it's all in a safe range..I think I'm needing something, but not sure what.
Do you know how many calories you are getting in? I think most days, I get between 1200-1400. Seems to me like that much would stop weight loss!
I have not yet sat down w/a plate of food. I pick off stuff, and I still chew my meat but I do not swallow it. I know it sounds crazy, but I will maybe swallow one bite, but the rest I spit it out.
I have been doing this for sometime now, because for the 1st 3months I was on liquids and then after that, you know the soft baby stuff. But I still prefer broth over a meal ... now that is scary
I get more of my protein from the shakes still, I take my vitamins, and vegetables. I was never really a meat eater. I do eat fish, tuna, shrimp, and crabmeat. So I get some form of protein in one fashion. I want to be 48lbs lighter, my goal by december 22nd is 200lbs even. So if I am not then that will be fine. If I am 220 that will be ok too that means I've lost 200lbs in 1year. So I have complaints about that