Updates...Progress Reports...
You look AMAZING! Praise the LORD! Thanks for posting this too. I love reading all the updates.
1. Pre-op/Current/Goal? 314/188/150
2. What are you eating on a regularly basis? TOO MUCH! I am starting to feel old habits creeping up as well. I am praying against them BIG time. I can eat pretty much anything including sugar. So, I try DESPERATELY to stay away from fatty carbs and sugar. Sugar was a HUGE trigger food before surgery. So, I try hard to resist. It seems like this time of year is like sabatoge for me as well...I want to succeed, but I am weak. So, I repeat my mantra "Girl, you almost DIED, you spend a LOT of $, Food almost killed you the FIRST time!" And usually, this helps me focus. Surgery fixes ONLY your body, not your head. So, I am doing battle with my head! I eat: A lot of fruit, especially apples. I eat salad, soup, meat, meat and more meat. I also struggle with snacks, I eat some very naughty stuff. Am I PROUD of this behavior? NO, but I want to be more accountable, so I lay it out for everyone to see. It's a daily struggle to continue to overcome the addiction I have had all my life. But, God is faithful and I KNOW, with Him, I can be successful!
3. Any regrets/complications/issues?
No regrets, no complications since the initial one. The issues, I mentioned above.
4. How are you doing on vitamins and protein? Vitamins ~ DAILY! Protein~Struggle.
5. Any advice? Don't forget to exercise! I find that when I am faithful to working out my energy level is SO much better than when I don't. Also, get your family/friends/co-workers on board to keep you accountable!!
Thanks again JaNae~