Our "FIRST" Thanksgiving
I am going to "skip" thanksgiving this year, going on vacation with a group of friends. There will be no family and no special dinner... so I lucked out.
However, I have had many special occasions post op and would treat Thanksgiving as such. I would allow myself to have a TINY bit of everything. Full flavor. Full fat. Full calories.
Some ppl disagree with this approach, but I figure I have to deal with my post WLS body for EVER for the rest of my life and I better find a way now to include special occasions like Thanksgiving. Its just not realistic to think we will never enjoy those things again. For me, its best I learn now to just have a SMALL portion and be satisfied. Rather then missing it all together.
Just my thoughts. I hope everyone has a fun thanksgiving and that the food deamonds don't rear their ugly heads.
P.S. Turkey is a great source of protein. Try eating a portion of that first and then having a taste of everything else

I love the holidays so I couldn't just skip them... I'm going to be with my family so I don't have a lot of control over all the food - though I suppose I could bring some "altered" dishes. My plan is to do what I always try to do... eat my protein first (so turkey, here I come) and hopefully I'll be so full I won't be able to eat too much mashed potatoes lol