Looking for a hot protein drink
Hello everyone,
I have been having the same "stuff" for a while now. Surgery was 12/12/05 and have lost about 85 lbs since surgery.
I drink Jay Robb Vanilla whey protein for breakfast and occ as a snack if I haven't gotten enough protein.
Since its getting colder in the AM here is Mass I am looking for something I can drink on the way to work (I have a 45 min cummute) I started drinking Italian cappaccino from General Foods but the first ingredient is SUGAR!! and no protein in it!! (but tastes good-too good!)
Anyone know of something like a warm maybe coffee or cocoa drink that has some protein??
Cheryl, I just stumbled over here from the over fifty forum and can answer this question for you!
Matrix perfect chocolate. You have to make it carefully! first you mix a scoop with cool water (just a bit to get it liquified) then slowly add hot (not boiling) water to it. stir and sip! I add also a scoop of Swiss Miss no added sugar to it OR a scoop of Big Train low carb chai tea mix and have it that way. I have it every morning and it is a great start to the day. I get mine at Susan Maria's site.
Good luck!
I've heard things about these drinks.. and it looks like they got 15g of protein to boot..
good luck
April R
Hi Cheryl,
The one thing that I have not grown tired of is fat free milk, sugar free Nestle's Quik and AnyWhey protein powder. 1 scoop of protein powder has 17 grams of protein, 16oz of milk has 16 grams of protein and the Quick has 1-2 grams of protein. I love this mix and I have been drinking for 9 months now. I heat the milk in the microwave for 3 minutes then add the Quik and protein powder. I never have a problem with lumps or weird taste. The portein powder has no flavor. Enjoy!
This is how i get my morning protein. I love milk, so I warm up 8oz of skimmed milk in the micro. then add instant coffee (normally tasters choice vanilla or hazelnut flavor) and I have a home made non fat latte. That's 9gr of protein, i then follow it by having a protein bar for another 19-20grams. This has worked for me every morning since I was 2 months out and I never get sick of it. Had the surgery Dec. 16, 05 and am 93lb down with another 10 to go. I live in Florida, but still need my hot drink in the morning.