In the paper...
I write for our local paper so seeing my name in print isn't a big deal but I wrote a story about a guy going through gastric bypass for last Sunday's paper (he's an OH member but had his surgery in June so he doesn't post here, obviously). Anyway, my editor also asked me to write a first-person column about my own experience and I was really nervous about it because it's sort of personal and I'm sort of shy to begin with but also I'd never written about myself before. As a journalist, you're always writing about others. Anyway, I decided to do it because I thought maybe it might help others going through the same thing and I thought I'd share it here just because you guys are always so supportive (and probably could relate to some of it)!
here's the link:,1375,VCS_154_4981812,00.html
Thanks Vicky! I knew maybe you guys could relate!
This is the other article that mine accompanied,1375,VCS_154_4981818,00.html