Curious..How many calories are you taking in NOW?
(deactivated member)
on 8/9/06 2:07 am - SC
on 8/9/06 2:07 am - SC
I just came from I put in what I ate yesterday, and I took in about 1100 calories! With my suppliments, looks like I'm getting all the nutrition I need except for Vit. K..but with a 10oz glass of green tea added to my diet, that will help.
I'm still losing, but I've been slowing down a lot.
How about you?

I use fitday everyday and I average about 800-900 calories per day. Some days it's 800(I try not to be any lower) and on a bad day it can be closer to 1500. I don't always enter all the nutrients on customized foods so I'm not sure there. My labs all came back fine. I've been getting around 100grams of protein and 100-120oz of water in lately. I've not wanted to eat much since it's been so hot. The pounds have been dropping off pretty quickly these past 6 weeks or so. I guess it's the extra water, more protein and I have done better about not snacking on junk food. Month 5 was a slow month for me(maybe 5lbs) but otherwise I've been pretty steady in losing 10-12lbs per month. I'm anxious to see how everyone else is doing.
(deactivated member)
on 8/9/06 7:23 am - SC
on 8/9/06 7:23 am - SC
Hi Patty!
I hadn't been tracking my calories since last May until today, because I thought, good grief, I can hardly eat enought to keep a fly alive so what the hay, and why bother?!
It's just that now, it's getting so that I can eat a whole sandwich, a big one!
I had a trukey bacon, cheese, lettuce and tomatoe sandwich on toasted Rye for breakfast yesterday and again this morning..and I could have taken a few more bites if it were bigger..Yes, I was still hungry after eating that whole sandwich, but I waited for my hour and a half to go by, and then went for the water, crystal light or what ever and the whole time, I'm thinking after I get the drink down (about 30oz) what am I going to eat..and I eat something, but keep it light like cottage cheese but really, I'm wanting to eat another sandwich. LOL
I am getting worried about the amount of food I'm able to comfortably eat now. It feels like I didn't even have surgery!
I hope I can control myself in the future..I feel like I'm about to fall off of the wagon..
I'll keep watching my intake using fitday..I'm hopeing this is just one of those couple of good days where I'm able to eat well..and next week I'll be back to wanting nothing and forceing know what I mean?
I'm right on top of goal, and maybe this is where I get off the loser wagon (it's a fun ride)..That's OK
..just so the scales don't start moving UP!!!
I'm wondering if I'm alone in this..if other's are experianceing hunger like me..I don't want anyone, including myself to let this thing get away with them.
We have to support each other..that's why we are HERE..

Its may be just me. But I find if I eat HEAVY protein I can't eat that much. I eat a lot of chicken and can never eat that much of it. It I make a BLT I can eat 3/4 of it and I really think if I pushed it I could eat the whole thing. I can also eat it faster than I can the chicken. If I am eating chicken I have to really chew and chew and chew. I think all that chewing fills you up also. So I try to stay away from soft protein and go for the hard core stuff. I do eat a lot of block cheese also as snacks. I only wait 30 minutes after eating to start drinking. Its hot down here and I am drinking way more than I was in the cool ( we don't have winter) months. That may be helping me also, Just my thoughts
I have never counted the calories. I don't know if this is good or bad. I do read the carb content on every thing. It was the bad carbs that help me get into this mess in the first place. My lost has really slowed. I never do them together. I am either dropping pounds or dropping inches. I have never done both at the same time. Thats ok with me just as long as something dropped. My doctor never sat a goal for me and I haven't either. Other than the fact that I am dead sat against being a size 2, 4, 6, 8, 10!!!! I wasn't a 2 when I was two so I don't care to be a 2 now. The first time in his office he said if I made it to 180 that would be nice. Remember I came from 315!
I only have 11 pounds to get to 180 so I am really ok with my self. I like how I look now. If I loose more than 11 that will be fine also just as long as I never gain another POUND. From 315 to 191 without counting calories I don't think I'll mess up a good thing by starting. If it ain't broke don't fix it

(deactivated member)
on 8/9/06 7:44 am - SC
on 8/9/06 7:44 am - SC
Hi Petty!
You know what your doing!
Continued success to you
I love reading your posts..I get the tickle fits sometimes! You are so funny!

(deactivated member)
on 8/10/06 12:57 am - SC
on 8/10/06 12:57 am - SC
HA! LOL those whippin's didn't do you any good!!!
anyway' are prettier than Whoppie, funnier too!
I didn't eat a TBacon sandwich this morning, but sure wanted one! Gosh they are GOOD!!
I'm getting ready to go to the store this morning..
I have company coming tomorrow morning, my daughter, her husband and the Grandkids from VA! So I have to buy SOME JUNK!!! Wish me luck this weekend, keeping my grubbing hands off of that junk.
They want to go to Carowinds Amusement park..guess I'll be holding the baby all day while they have at it on those crazy rides, I hurt my neck on the rollercoaster several years ago, so I stay off of rides now. I'm getting old..
It's been so Hot down here in SC, but looks like rain today. Hope the rain cools us down at least a little while so I can at least not sweat todeath at the park. I might just keep the baby at home with me..the baby is a year old, I don't think she would be missing too much at that age..I don't know.
I guess I better get busy..hopefully I'll be too busy to think about eating too much food today, cleaning and shopping..
I have to admit I haven't been keeping track of my calories any more on Fitday, but I know I need to get back to that. I'm going to estimate that I get between 900 and 1100 calories a day. I am still loosing, but much more slowly. Just wondering, do you get frustrated with your food choices? Seems like a lack of variety has been the biggest frustration for me throughout this process.
My blood work came back at 4 months with low iron, so I've doubled up on the iron I take.
(deactivated member)
on 8/9/06 7:38 am - SC
on 8/9/06 7:38 am - SC
Hi Sharon..
No, I'm not a bit frustrated about food choice..what I am frustrated about IS food choices..I can EAT! Lately it's crazy how much I can eat and what I can and will eat..I have not, nor will not ever try candy or pastries..that's a promise to myself and I've convenced myself that I'll dump on it..but other than that..I eat just about anything, and can eat a lot. Up untill yesterday, I haven't worried..because there were more day's that I couldn't eat very much at all..just a few times here and there that I could, but that seemed like a good thing cause I needed food, and was REALLY hungry..but for two day's straight, I'm eating like crazy!
How low was your iron, Sharon? My bloodwork came back good, and I have always been low on Iron..well before wls it was low at just about every testing...I had my blood checked back at the end of April..I have to do it again in November..I get so tired of worrying..and I've not had a problem, really bad enough to worry about..sheeessh!