I asked the doctor why am I sweating more now than I did at 315???? Yes I know the heat index out side is 110. When it was 115 I wasn't sweating like this!?
You know what that son of a gun told me. HOT FLASHES
. I looked him straight in the eye and said "What?!" I said I have already had my HOT FLASHES
well over a decade ago. He said you may have. When you are heavy your body makes a lot of estrogen. The more weight you loose the less estrogen you make. He told me to stop looking at him like that. Like what? Like you want to rip my head from my shoulders. I said I do. And why didn't any one tell me this before WLS???? Would you have had the WLS? I don't know I'm thinking I'm thinking. Wanted to give me something for it but I refused. How long will this go on? At least I am sweating in the hot hot hot summer.
The first time around it was OUR winter and I looked like some one had a water hose running off the top of my head. I'm too old to have HOT FLASHES
Right now I don't know if this is a HOT FLASH
or am I just mad
Any one else having them?????

Oh jeez, no one told me about hot flashes either. I haven't had them yet but it might be because you've lost more weight than me. I'm still at 218 and cold all of the time. My hair is falling out by the handful though
You still look good though, even if you are all sweaty. How about some new pictures so we can see with our own real eyes how good you're doing?