haven't been here in a long time- checking in
I'm down 89 pounds, but the weight loss has really slowed. I'm starting to worry I'm not going to lose 100% of my excess weight. I excercise 5 days a week, so I feel like I should be losing even with the snacking problem I mentioned in the other post. Anyway, I'm hoping it's muscle weight that is slowing me down. How about you?
7.5 months... 82 pounds..
God bless that last pound that went away during my honeymoon over the last two weeks. Needless to say.. I found out that can eat just about anything now.. thankfully I just can't eat very large portions of anything though. Things have slowed down for me and like everyone else I'm concerned about this being it. But when you loose a pound on a 2 week vacation in Hawaii it still gives one hope that this isn't the end. Taking it day by and day and hoping that I make it to my new goal.. a size 8..
April R
I'm doing well, some cravings coming back, have to watch the snacking but my body is asking for more calories. I have lost 100lbs! 275/175
I exercise a great deal and have been sticking to the treadmill and circuit weights, but these past two weeks I have been taking classes: Bodysculpting, kickboxing, cardioblast and pilates.... and believe me, a change in routinue was quite necessary! It changed everything. My weight loss seemed to have had a little push just by doing that. It definitely makes a difference. Also, I eat all day. I don't eat 3 meals a day. I have coffee, 2-3 bananas a day, an apple or cantelope (about a cup), egg beaters (equal to 1/2 or 1) with a slice of cheese, a lean cuisine for lunch and rarely do I eat dinner, 1-2 Isopure shakes a day and 2-3 lattes a day. So, honestly, I eat more than 1000 calories per day and ALL DAY! In fact, I never ate as much as I do now when I was heavy.
So I say, increase good calories, fruit and veggie intake, protein shake (at least 1 a day), proteins first and exercise 5 days a week (changing routinue's every other week or so).... This seems to be doing it for me, I just hope it stays that way

Wow, seven months already!
I am down 116 pounds now. Weight loss has slowed way down. I am exercising 4-5 times a week. I also can eat almost anything, so I have to be so careful. I have to watch my grazing habits. I haven't really decided on a goal yet. I know one goal of mine is to fit into a single digit pant size. The last time I fit into a single digit size was when I was in 8th grade. To me that is the ultimate "Wow" moment.