Updates...Progress Reports...
Hello Everyone
I hope that everyone is doing well and had a nice holiday. Its time for some updates and progress reports. Where are you in this wonderful weightloss journey?
1. Pre-op/Current/Goal
2. What is your daily food intake like?
3. Any complications, problems or issues?
4. How have your family and friends adjusted to the "New You"?
5. Do you think the further out you are getting that this journey is getting easier or harder? Why?
6. Any advice you would like to offer....

Ok, here are my answers:
1. Pre-op/Current/Goal 338/235/175
2. What is your daily food intake like?
Breakfast: 2-3 slices bacon, 1 slice toast, grits or 1 scrambled egg
Lunch: salad, chicken, sandwich (chicken salad or tuna), soup, or frozen meal
Dinner: leftover lunch, turkey wings, chicken, shrimp, spaghetti, crab legs, hamburger, chinese food or crabs
3. Any complications, problems or issues?
I am in the process of trying to reduce all this hanging skin under my arms and thighs. from time to time my food still gets stuck if I eat too fast or don't chew well.
4. How have your family and friends adjusted to the "New You"?
My family has finally adjusted to my new lifestyle. I love the compliments I get from fellow church members and co-workers. Its a wonderful feeling to feel normal...
5. Do you think the further out you are getting that this journey is getting easier or harder? Why?
I think that its getting easier especially since I know the limits of my body whereas before I didn't know when my body was full and satisfied, I just ate until I felt sick.
6. Any advice you would like to offer....
Do the best that YOU can and not what someone else is telling you that you should be doing. Don't compare yourself to others because what is for you is for and what is for them, is for them.
Take Care!

1. Pre-op/Current/Goal - preop 275; current 191; goal 135lbs
2. What is your daily food intake like? Mornings I have a protein powder mixed with coffee (espresso) ½ c milk and sugar free syrup. Now this is getting old so I just have coffee and cream (powder) and trying to start on the protein powder again...it just tasted SO bad!!! Then I eat ½ pack of Weight Control Quaker instant oatmeal. Lunch usually one taco and string cheese. Dinner I have a protein (shrimp or chicken) usually a taco or I make Chinese food with spices!! I bought 4X4 plates so they are very small. It helps cut down on the quantity because I was serving what my eyes wanted to eat not what my pouch could hold. Snack: no sugar added fudge cycle at night, or during the day I eat peanuts.
3. Any complications, problems or issues? Gas, onions give me gas, and they are my new favorite food-well kinda. I mix tomatos, onions, cilantro, and lime juice and have it on shrimp, chicken, tuna (taco). I have found I can eat as much as I want, and that scares me. I never want to return to the 275 mark, or even close. So I find I shy away from food because one I start to eat weight loss is not something I think about. On the weekends I wait till about 3pm and I start becoming shaky - I realize I haven't eaten anything. I know this is not healthy, and totally against dr's orders but it is really scary for me to gain it back.
4. How have your family and friends adjusted to the "New You"? They are so happy for me, everyone is supportive!! I can't complain about all the hand me down clothes either!!!!
5. Do you think the further out you are getting that this journey is getting easier or harder? Why? I think harder, the food thing I have to control. I don't think I eat a lot but my weight loss has slowed dramatically.
6. Any advice you would like to offer.... I would do it over and over! I can't think of any, because I am not following my own.
1. Pre-op/Current/Goal...
264/177/it was 140 but now I am thinking a size 8.. I've decided perhaps a clothing size goal is better than a scale number.. we'll see.. hehe
2. What is your daily food intake like?...
Breakfast: Fruit Smoothie protein shake with frozen bananas and peaches.. or a
protein bar.. I'm not a breakfast person so this is as good as it gets.
snacks: 2 per day : soy chips & fruit; peanuts & craisins; cheese and baked crackers
Lunch: 1/2 a sandwich & 1/2 apple; cottage cheese and pineapple; turkey & feta salad
Dinner: Meatballs; meatloaf; steak; hamburger patty; chicken, taco; ground turkey something or rather; eating out.. I absolutely love eating out lately!!!
3. Any complications, problems or issues?...
I've only dumped once.. about a month a ago I bought the wrong type of apple sauce on accident and it made me violently ill. Two weeks ago I had to go to the hospital because of my first time ever KIDNEY STONE.. lovely experience.. drink your water!!! hehe that's it really though
4. How have your family and friends adjusted to the "New You"?..
they are still freakin' out.. My mom lives in San Fran and mails me clothes and shoes.. everyone is very supportive.. the fiancé doesn't even mind that I've boughten an entire new wardrobe.. I have a lot of emotional outlets as well.. it's nice.
5. Do you think the further out you are getting that this journey is getting easier or harder? Why?..
I can get psyched out.. thinking this isn't going to last and wondering when I'm going to get hungry again.. that's the only hard part now. But I find that I can talk myself out of those negative thoughts and keep on track. Then.. I just remember that I was indeed able to just drink liquids for 3 weeks in the beginning of all this and then I feel that yeah.. I can do anything after that experience.. hehe
6. Any advice you would like to offer....
Buy new/new to you clothes!! DO NOT wear your old clothes.. it will just make you feel dumpy and depressed that they were once tight on you. PURGE THAT CLOSET!! A new outfit is one of the best ways you can celebrate your new body.
ohh fun,
April R
(deactivated member)
on 7/7/06 6:16 am
on 7/7/06 6:16 am
1. Pre-op/Current/Goal
2. What is your daily food intake like?
B- Unjury Protein powder mixed in juice or milk
L- Tuna, Cheese, Salad, Soup
D- Meat (Chicken, fish, sometimes beef or pork) few veggies
Snacks-nuts, crackers, soy chips, cheese, SF ice cream, protein bars
3. Any complications, problems or issues?
Slow weight loss for the last two months - keeping my mind in the right frame of mind. The scale has finally started moving again so I am encouraged.
4. How have your family and friends adjusted to the "New You"?
Very well. I am the one who is more surprised than anyone! It is a good feeling to FEEL GOOD!
5. Do you think the further out you are getting that this journey is getting easier or harder? Why?
Easier because food chices are wider. Harder because food choices are wider!
I have recently had trouble with being too full. It is always going to be an adjustment to the pouch!
6. Any advice you would like to offer....
Group support. Get it, keep it, stay in tune with people on the same path.
(deactivated member)
on 7/8/06 12:19 am - SC
on 7/8/06 12:19 am - SC
1. Pre-op/Current/Goal- 248/160/155
2. What is your daily food intake like? I start with a small glass of OJ diluted 1/3 water, 2 cups of coffee and then have some turkey bacon on whole wheat toast. Take my vitamins..About an hour after breakfast, I have 20oz of water then about 8oz of green tea. Lunch, I've been eating corned beef, kraut and mustard on 1/2 slice light rye, Yummy. Wait about an hour then drink another 20oz of water or crystal light and another cup of green tea with spenda.
for a snack I have some sf jello w/ fruit and nuts w/ whipped cream or a sf fudge cycle.
drink more water, a glass of milk, and for dinner, I have what ever I'm fixing for the family. Think drink, drink, drink up till about 10pm..if I drink later than that, I'm up in the middle of the night to P.
3. Any complications, problems or issues? No complications associated with the surgery..I'm having touble with my monthy cycle..lots of break thru bleeding this month. troublesome.
4. How have your family and friends adjusted to the "New You"? No so well. We are still trying to accept what happened, it's happened so fast..Lots of changes goin' on and it's hard to grasp the reality of it all. Kind a shocking to my husband and I'm still seeing myself as fat.
5. Do you think the further out you are getting that this journey is getting easier or harder? Why? It's better now, easier. Feeling like I'm normal again as far as eating goes. I'm not hungry anymore cause I can get enough food in..I was starving for a while.
6. Any advice you would like to offer....Take one day at a time, that's all we can do.
Relax and don't worry about the issues that come with the WLS such as hair loss and loose skin..not for a while, at least...Our journey is not even half over yet..give your body time to adjust and renew..the hair will grow back and the skin will shrink some..I'm counting on it..lol
1. Pre-op/Current/Goal
2. What is your daily food intake like?
3. Any complications, problems or issues?
4. How have your family and friends adjusted to the "New You"?
5. Do you think the further out you are getting that this journey is getting easier or harder? Why?
6. Any advice you would like to offer....
1. 218/143/135-139
2. B- one slice of whole wheat toast with slice of cheese or peanut butter
L- side salad, chili from Wendys or side salad and WW dinner
D- 2 ounces of chicken and vegtable, WW dinner/salad
Snack protein drink or stallone pudding
3. No complications has been remarkable journey
4. Everyone is doing fine with it.
5. The last month or so I have developed hunger pains again, not bad at all.
6. Go into this with a positive attitude, I think this is so important.
Jodi Dec. 12, 05
Hi everyone - sorry I don't have a pic to post as I love "seeing" all of you as you respond - it makes it more real. I avoided pictures like the plague pre-surgery, so don't have any, but am working at getting a more current one up.
Ok, here goes. Thanks, JaNae for posting this - it really helps gauge our progress.
1. 277/179/150 (dont' have any idea if 150 is reasonable but it's a nice round number). I turn 50 in Sept and am encouraged that I will have hit that 100 lb loss milestone before then!
2. I eat 6 times a day, and generally don't cook. Usually my "meals" consist of the following: protein drink with a few strawberries or 1/3 banana; yogurt; string cheese; light popcorn (the 100 cal packs); beef jerkey; cottage cheese with pineapple; South Beach Protein Bars (the small ones that have 10 grams of protein and 100 calories). I occassionally have a South Beach or Lean Cuisine frozen meal. My husband does cook some, and when he does I'll have a small hamburger patty, piece of chicken, vegies, etc. (I am bad about eating salads and vegies - I like to eat fruit but just don't do many vegies). We eat out quite a bit and I can always find something that is fun to order because it it's different - either to split with someone of to take home leftovers. I estimate that I eat between 700-1000 calories per day.
3. I had a stricture at 6 weeks post-op that was hell, because I threw up a lot, couldn't eat, and started getting malnourished. The "fix" was a piece of cake and I have felt fine since. I now have a hernia that is going to have be repaired at some point.
4. So far almost everyone has been very supportive. My husband and sons have been terrific, as have my boss and coworkers. I have had some issue with my sister and my best friend, each of whom are very large. My sister wants the surgery but her insurance won't pay for it - she tries to be happy for me but it's really hard. My friend had distanced herself - our weight was one of our bonds and now that is gone.
5. Definitely easier. I feel great! I exercise and actually don't hate it. I can eat pretty much whatever I want - I have ventured out into the carb world and the sky hasn't fallen.
6. Advice: Hang in there during those horrendous plateaus. I was stuck at 195 for 6 weeks. I really thought I was done losing. Then suddenly it budged, and I've lost 16 lbs in 4 weeks. I am sure it will happen again, and it is so hard to stay positive when it does. My immediate reaction is to quit eating and that is exactly the wrong thing to do!
Pre-op/Current/Goal 289/206/165
2. What is your daily food intake like?
b- protein shake, then more protein (an eggw/turkey bacon or these yummy cottage cheese protein pancakes that i got from another website!)
l- usually some sort of salad, or egg, tuna or chicken salad
d- usually fish, chicken or meat.. also veggies
snacks - protein bars (i love the rocky road protein bars at the vitamin shoppe!), 2-3 protein shakes, nuts, string cheese
3. Any complications, problems or issues? the only problem that i have had is low iron
4. How have your family and friends adjusted to the "New You"? it's been good.. i haven't shared with many other than close friends and family, but everyone has been supportive especially as it is so evident now!
5. Do you think the further out you are getting that this journey is getting easier or harder? Why? i think that this is definitely a lifestyle change and as good habits become ingrained it will help in this journey. it will never be easy!
6. Any advice you would like to offer.... it's true that this is an individual journey no matter how much support you have. do your homework and do the right thing for you. surround yourself with good, positive people and educate yourself in all aspects of this journey. it is your body! don't expect anyone else to take care of it.
1. 288/192/170
2. B. 3 string cheese
S. 4 oz dried mango...Iknow it souns horrible, but I'm a fruit girl
L. 2 string cheese, 10 slices of pepperoni
S. 3 oz dried mango
D. 3 oz steak, 1 oz salad
3. no problems, just seems like I can eat a whole lot more and it scares me.
4. hubby likes to see other men look at me.
5. harder, but some days are better then others, still battle head hunger.
6. you crave things for a reason, maybe you do need it.
Happy losing all,