Today is my 6 months surgeversary
I was just thinking about how far along I am. Although I do not know how much I weigh (I will not buy a scale) I do feel so much healthier.
? I can run up and down my stairs looking for the cordless phone with out getting out of breath
? I can sit like a sexy lady and finally cross my legs.
? I need a belt
? I can finally paint my toes with out almost passing out
? The clothes that I bought last month ( I bought them 2 sizes smaller) fit me loose this week
? Although my hair did fall out big time - I've noticed that it has slowed down
? Family members didn't recognize me - sometimes that a good thing though
Now I know this may not big milestone for anyone -it made me so happy that I am finally in control of my weight and not the other way around. Don't get me wrong - have I cheated - yep, eat carbs- yep whole wheat toast every morning with peanut butter - half of it but I eat it, sugar -well I have had a sliver of birthday cake - but splenda is my new very best friend. I don't get in a lot of water but lots of diet Snapple and crystal light oh and Salt and vinegar chips are evil. Excersise?? Very hard for me but I do walk at work all over searching for documents. My dh bought me some 2 lbs dumbbells that I use everyday. I know that the weight could of melted off quicker if I stayed away from all of the mentioned above- I am glad for the slow weight loss, call me crazy but for me the slower it comes off the more I can better adjust mentally and emotionally. My best friend since we were 5 stares at me and asks me if I can see the difference - I tell her not really - but I feel it - ok I'll stop ranting off - have a great day everyone -Jo
Happy Anniversary! It's also my 6 month as well! Hurray for us! You sound like you are doing fabulous. I can totally relate with the crossing legs thing and painting toenails. I hadn't given myself a pedicure in almost 3 years. I was estatic that I could finally reach, even if I did have to contort my body to get to my pinky toe LOL!
Congratulations Jo!

Thanks all - good job to everyone of us December babies - we deserve it weither we lost 1 lb a day or 1 lmd a month - it's 1 less lb we own you know I've been thinking alot about having more children - my daughter just turned 6 it's something i've wanted since i gave birth to her but i know that for health reason we should weight at leat 18 months - but even if i dont lose any more weight i am happy and blessed to have made it this far J- ok now i am really ranting - have a great day and god bless everyone -Jo