My WOW and Here I come Centruy Club
This is a repost from the main MB
Post Date: 2006-06-15 15:57:48
First my WOW!!!
I just returned from a week's vacation in Northern California---which meant a coast to coast plane flight.
WELL for the first time in 10 years---I did NOT need a lap belt extender on the airplane. Actually I even had a little bit of room left over on the seat belt!!!! WOW OH WOW
As for that Century Club card----at minus 95 lbs I think LATE next week or the following week I'll be requesting mine on my profile Wheeeeee
So nice after a 6 week stall in April/May.
Carry on my fellow LOSERS!!!

WOW! You have really lost a lot of weight. I started at about the same weight as you. One of my biggest rewards is to fit in an airline seat. I don't travel much---maybe about twice a year, and I've always hated the seat belt. I'm looking forward to this very same WOW moment come this fall when I go to Branson, MO.
Thanks for sharing your WOW Moment with us.