How is everyone doing?
For us December babies we are reaching our six months post-op time. How is everyone doing? How much have you lost? How are you feeling? What has been the biggest change for you since surgery? Is there anything else you would like to share with the rest of us?
I am doing ok. I am still looking for a job. I called for a call center job today and have some sort of orientation on Tuesday. I am not sure if that means I have a job or what.
I have lost 127 pounds as of yesterday. I have one almost a wee****il I am officially at my 6 months since surgery. I would like to be at 130 lost, but hey 127 is awesome and I am so happy with that.
I am feeling pretty good. My knees have begun to hurt again and some days I am in so much pain, but hopefully some of that pain will go away as I continue to lose weight.
My biggist change has been my feelings about getting out and doing things. I look forward to getting out and about and seeing people. In a way I have become more outgoing. I was so incredibly shy before surgery.
I am not sure if there is much more to share. There has been quite bit that has changed and I feel like a totally different person.
Well I really hope you are all doing well.
Have a great day!
I've had my ups and downs but overall I am feeling so much better than I have in the last 10 years! I have lost 61 pounds and have about 39 to go but would settle for 29 but I'm sure it's going to be the toughest part of the weight loss.
I think the hardest thing has been learning how to accept compliments. I've just learned to say thank you. Before, I would always put myself down or play things down but now I'm so excited that people are noticing that I just simply say thank you.
My energy levels have returned to something around normal and I'm out walking and exercising. I even wake up better in the morning!
This is just the beginning of my new life so I'm just going to enjoy each and every day!
I go for my 6 month this coming week. I think I will wait until then and give a full account.
I have noticed this week all of my hair isn't coming out in the comb. I sure hope that is all over and never ever happens again. I think I have read people slack on their viatiams and the hair starts coming out again. Any one else heard of this???
Hi Erin,
My 6-month anniversary will be on the 28th and I've lost a total of about 140 pounds -- but 30 was before surgery.
My biggest change is the same as yours -- being more outgoing and a bit more confident. Fitting behind the steering wheel is pretty cool too HAHAHA Seriously though, I'm definitely not feeling like all I want is to blend in anymore and it's a really good feeling. Plus, my dates the last couple of nights -- something I didn't really have before -- have been nice.

Wow, Erin, you are doing great, and congratulations on coming out of your shell!
I'm "only" down 80 pounds since surgery, but I am down 100 from last May when I graduated from college at age 54. I can still remember what it felt like climbing up those steps and walking across the stage in my gigantic academic gown. I feel SO much better now.
My energy level is a bit low, and B12 pills haven't helped that much. Still working on that issue.
I wanted to mention to you that my knees are an issue too -- had total left knee replacement two months before my gastric bypass. I find that exercise helps a lot. I never was one to exercise. Heck, I wasn't able to. But now if I sit around too much, everything stiffens up and I can barely walk. When the treadmill is too much for me, I use the Nu-Step, which is a sit-down stepper, taking the burden off my feet and knees but still exercising the muscles. I go to the fitness center at my local hospital, where everyone is exercising for health reasons. No fancy exercise wear or steroid bodies there! If you can manage to exercise and do it away from home, you'll meet new people in the bargain.
Hi Erin.. thought I would answer your questions this fine Sunday mornin'
How much have you lost?.. as of this AM 75 pounds since surgery (179 today.. finally).. 85 pounds since I started the WLS process.. and 110 pounds from my highest weight ever (289 in 2000)..
How are you feeling?.. when weight loss slows down it feels super scary.. but I'm learning to trust the process and to focus on the healthier things in life .. like my new health.. exercise.. and recently my graduating from grad-school.. woo hoo..
On another note.. sometimes I can find myself just sittting and crying at myself from all the emotional flux shtuff that goes on with all this jazz. It's like I can't believe the denial I had/have in regards to my previous weight. I look at pictures and can't believe it was me.. I never identified with it and still don't.. but it was surely me in those pictures.. and now it's all starting to hit me.. weird.. how did I not get it?
What has been the biggest change for you since surgery?.. I now know what it is like to feel 'normal' for the first time.. while it can be a bit scary.. it's nice to feel normal in my skin.. not necessarily a "fit in" normal, don't get me wrong.. this 'normal' is feeling like I take up a regular amount of space in the universe and it feels absolutely darling.. something like that.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the rest of us?.. I feel like I've reconnected with my body.. like I have lived my whole life above the neck and now I am finally in tune with my body and its needs.. although I'm still kinda clumsy.. it's kinda neat and trippy all at the same time!!
Thanks for your thoughtful questions.. we all need to remind ourselves to answer these types of questions on a regular basis..
have a great day..
April R.
289/264/254 (D.O.S.)/ 179 today

April, I know how you feel. I never thought that fat person was me! I now feel like I have reconnected with ME. Normal is wonderful. My weight loss has slowed down considerably. Now only 1-2 pounds a week. That;s scary..I am always afraid that I have lost me last pound. I have a ton of energy and am enjoying life.
I am down 70 with 40 more to go for my skinny skinny goal. I'd easily settle for 35 more, but I set the bar high (or low LOL!) Hitting the 150's felt wonderful. That happened this morning.
The most difficult part is remembering to chew, chew, chew and to eat slowly. I still forget and pay dearly for it.
It's a gorgeous sunny day here..I' going outside to do sme gardening.
Hey ya'll,
I feel like the straggler here, lol. I started at 269 lbs and am now at 205.5 so about a 63.5 lbs loss. Believe me I am thrilled.
Biggest change for me has been taking care of myself first vs. everyone else. Ie., making sure I get my supplements in, protein etc.
Biggest challenge is...WATER!! I have always been a water drinker- love it. But it's hard to make sure it's all getting in.
I'm feeling great. Little itchy, hair loss but not bad at all!
Kudos to us all!
Hi everyone....congrats to all of you for doing so well. I too am doing well. I have lost a total of 82 lbs from date of surgery, but a total of 101 lbs from the start of this journey. My weight loss has slowed down tremendously and sometimes really scares me. I have about 28 to go. It can be very frustrating at times. but am very greatful for this tool that i have been given.
my biggest change has been being able to go out and do things with my kids. playing baseball, running and just having a really good time with them and not always being too tired to play with them. my outlook on life has changed as well. I used to shy away from people and confrontation. now i take them on! lol
tomorrow is my 6 month anniversary or rebirth......I am so glad that i did this and would recommend this tool to everyone if I could............
thanks for all the great advice I read on these boards. You guys are the best.........
have a great day...........