do you drink soda?
I drink REAL coke on occassion an occassion being, (if it is in my sight!) I try not to keep it in the house. There was just a sale on Pepsi products...I am NOT a Pepsi girl, I am a Coke girl but, since it iis in the house I have been drinking it. I am of course not losing weight and I refuse to diet once again. So, my advise is whether it stretches the stomach or not DO NOT drink leads to our OLD HABITS all too soon...which is where I am right now. SAVE YOURSELF!!!
I hope that answers your question. I saw two nut's before surgery. SODA IS FORBIDDEN FOR GB PATIENTS. It does stretch the pouch and can cause SERIOUS problems.
My Nut and surgeon both have said the stretching of the pouch is a myth. But it can cause serious discomfort and interfere with healing in the first 6 mo so we were not allowed any for that time. After 6 mo, we can have diet soda only and go very slow with small sips. I had my first diet AW cream soda, and it was nice to be able to have something else to drink. I sipped slowly(did not even finish the drink) and had no problems.
My nut never forbid me to drink soda but did say to let the soda go flat a little. I don't drink soda much but I have drank it on an occasion of 2, 3 or 4 times
It doesn't bother me except give me a full feeling for a minute and then that usually goes away. I never was a big soda drinker, my weakness was drinking sweet tea all the time but now I have gotten used to unsweeten tea with Splenda.

No, tea doesn't bother me. Before surgery I didn't like Splenda because it left a nasty after taste but now I can tolerate it. I even cook with it from time to time. I still use Sweet and Low or Equal if Splenda is not available. I have cheated and have had sweet tea at restaurants or if I am out at someone's house that doesn't have unsweetened tea but it still doesn't bother me. I was told at one of my Support groups that I can count my liquid intake as part of my water intake. I have to get my nutritionist to back that up for me and put that in writing though.