Is anyone having trouble with retaining water? I've started retaining again after almost 5 months of being off my diuretic. My legs and ankles and my hands - I feel puffed and actually saw a gain on my scale. I'm trying not to freek out but it is weird. My rings used to be so loose and now my hands are swollen and they are tight.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Hi Diona
I've been swelling for ever. I take a diuretic once a week to see my actual weight loss. Then I fill back up and wait till next week. This has been my pattern for the last 2 years while losing 120 pounds. The doctor recently refilled my prescription so must think it pretty normal - for me at least.
Best to get your Dr's opinion.
Good Luck
I get about 60 - 70 grams a day. Actuallly I think it had something to do with an intestinal blockage because today I cramped and cramped and then had diahrea and afterwords, noticed I wasn't so swollen. Was weird. Will keep watching it though. I did try watermelon and not sure but that might have caused the cramping. Will try some tomorrow and see what happens!
I guess a lot of this is trial and error.