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Topic: RE: liquid protein
Isopure comes in liquid form, like a soda pop kind of thing, in many different flavors. I tried a couple of the flavors but did not care for them, but others loved them. You can get that at GNC.
I used to take Prostat, which was a thick cherry liquid, tasted like a strong cough syrup. Kind of gross, but two tablespoons contained 15 grams of protein, so I would take 4 of these protein "shots" per day and got it down that way. This prostat, I bought at the hospital pharmacy.
I'm having a panniculectomy on Sept 25. Mine was deemed medically necessary due to rashes, back pain, etc. Go to your primary care doc and start having him chart that you are having medical problems related to the pannus and then get a referral to a plastic surgeon and have them submit to your insurance company for prior approval.
Good luck, jean
Topic: RE: liquid protein
Hi Pamela,
I've seen one advertised on OH. Click on the link below.
I've heard they are not bad on the Texas board.
Good luck,
Topic: liquid protein
Does anybody know of a liquid protein drink. I was first introduced to "resource" and it was great. It was high protein and came pre-mixed, like a juice box and best of all it was only about 3 or 4 oz. Now I can only find powders you have to mix yourself. Call me lazy but I just want to grab it and GO!
Topic: RE: Im back with more depressing......
A few months ago I felt the same way. I had not lost weight in almost 1 year, then I started gaining. I felt I could eat a lot. I went back to weigh****chers and it helped I lost 12 lbs in 2 months. I'm going to stay on it till I lose 6 more pounds to be at my goal. Then I'll get plastic Surgery!!!.
The key was to train myself to eat food that filled me up. Fruit seemed to slide right down and I could eat almost a whole baby seedless watermelon or cantalope. I also ate to much pasta with no protean. Now I'm sticking to the Frozen dinners (which I love)for lunch and sliced turkey and cheese for snack.. I also have to learn not to eat when I'm not hungry. I still find myself forcing the last two bites of food in, because I can't throw it away.
It's a journey and I'm going to try to stay aware of what's happening to me.
Wow - you have done great with your weight loss! I am having plastic sugery (a lower body lift) on 8/30. I was approved by my insurance company (Aetna). I have chosen a surgeon who is out of network, so I will still have some cost to cover. I had documentation of rashes and prescriptions from my pcp. I also had documenation from a chiropractor for my back pain. If you have any problems from the excess skin, make sure you are getting them documented. I don't believe you'll have much success in getting approval without the documentation.
Take care,
Topic: RE: I need a friend!
Its been a while since your post, I'm just getting a chance to catch up here. How is everything going? I hope that things are looking better today. I imagine you are busy getting the kids ready to go back to school. Free free to email if you want to talk more ([email protected])
Take care,
Topic: RE: mental image of your self
I'm still losing. I plateau from time to time. I'm 20 months post op. I use a particular diet to bust my plateau, but maintain where I want to be. I sometimes think I'm developing an anorexic mind. Not a physical obsession w/ weight because I do still see a fat me in the mirror. I see the fat thighs and butt that are just plain heredity - no surgery in the world can erase your genes. I can see that I've significantly lost weight and I know that I wear much smaller sized clothing, but I never realize just how small I am until I see a picture of myself and compare it to pre-surgery photos. Otherwise, I'm still the fat girl I've always been. This mental thing is harder than the physical part of the surgery!
Topic: RE: Im back with more depressing......
I can certainly sympathize with you. I know I can eat a lot at one sitting and I did not expect to EVER be able to do that again. Some people who have had this surgery talk about not being able to tolerate bread and pasta because it clumps in the stomach. I have no problem eating bread or pasta. I think there has to be some explanation for why some people can eat more 'quantity wise' at one sitting as opposed to others who have had this surgery. I'm beginning to wonder if it has to do with the size of the stoma. You read about people who have strictures after surgery because of the scar tissue growth that makes the stoma opening too small for food to pass through. It makes me wonder about people who may not scar badly. Could this allow their stoma to be too large and let food pass through too easily? And then their is the problem of 'dumping'. Some people dump and I think they are fortunate. I've found that I can tolerate sugar better than I would like too. I know that I am eating way too much right now and it has nothing to do with hunger, but I do still feel that for some people the surgery does work better than for others. We have come a long way to have lost the amount of weight we have lost and we should feel good about that. Have you ever heard of the 'pouch rules'? I heard someone make reference to following the pouch rules, but I don't have a list of the rules. Maybe it would be a good thing to look at. I know I am frustrated that I have gained weight and afraid that I may gain more.
Topic: RE: I need a friend!
He'll have to pay child support. Maybe you can get him for spouse support? If he is any man he won't just walk away and leave you and the children high and dry.