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Topic: RE: Hello...5 days out and Doing Well!
Hello JaNae,
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you.
Take care,

Topic: RE: Hello...5 days out and Doing Well!
It's not a matter of being out of the loop. If you don't check the board everyday then it's easy to miss a post from time to time.
Topic: RE: Hello...5 days out and Doing Well!
Cool. As you can see, I'm out of the loop. Either way like i said...CONGRATS on her surgery. And suggested that she post on her surgery messageboard, so she can have even more support. you can't ever have TOO many supporters, right?
Congrats again on your surgery and hold on for that exciting yet bumpy's great!!!!!!!!!

Topic: RE: One Year...Are you at your Desired Wt?
I hear ya! I know its super hard because I'm starting to do that grazing thing too. Especially with CHOCOLATE. I wasn't much of a chocolate eater before but now its like I need it!
For halloween I lasted a few weeks buying Peanut Butter bags (miniature) and would eat them ALL by MYSELF.
yea... i dunno. so I guess, our brains haven't figured out that we just can't be doing this to day day!
About your doctor, I think that's wrong In my opinion. I know others that their surgeons are mad at them for them not losinga certain amount of weight and I really think that ...its wrong. I understand that we sometimes need to re-emphasis the basics and nutrition information, but to talk down to a patient, it just WRONG. Not really saying your doctor, but other people I speak to on here have told me that their surgeons are mad.
Good Luck to you anyways, i'm sure you'll get there so don't worry about it.

Well Hello Everyone;
Just wanted to stop by and tell everyone Merry Christmas and wish everyone a wonderful New Year. It seems like the time has just flown by and here we are starting into another year of our new lives and what a year it has been. Even with the ups and downs this has been a blessed year for me and I thank God for how we all have made a change for the better in our lives and that hopefully we will be around a long time to come and get to participate in our life and in the lives of our loved ones instead of jus****ching it go by and having that feeling of just existing. What a pleasure to be able to tie my own shoes and be able to cut my own toenails instead of having to depend on someone else to do that for me. What a blessing not being controlled by food.
I had my labs done last week and I talked to Joyce in Dr. Freemans office yesterday and She said that they all looked good especially my protein levels cholestrol both hdl's and ldl's were good as well as my triglyserides were all good. I was also in the hospital a couple of weeks ago with atrial fibrilation and they did a heart catherization and they said that I only had a 20% blockage in one of the larger veins and that I had nothing to worry about in that area.
So thank God for all of the ways He has Blessed me. I also want to say to all of our friends in the New Orleans area and in Mississippi and Alabama and anyone who have been displaced by the devasting storms this year, never give up as Our God is an awsome God and there is nothing that He can't handle. Praise Him for He is still on the Throne has not now or ever given up His power and He will see You through. I feel impressed to tell you that after you have done all that you can then just stand and see the Glory of the Lord come in like the same flood that has displaced you and he will restore to you a cup that is pressed down, shaken together and running over. On this you can rely. Praise God For evermore that through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit you will see all of this happen. My love to you all.

Topic: RE: My year in review...
WOW. Congrats on your many achievements. Best wishes for an equally successful future and a long life !!
Happy Holidays,
Karen G

Topic: RE: Hello...5 days out and Doing Well!
Congrats and Best Wishes for much success in your weight loss journey. I was high blood pressure, too. Three pills a day before surgery, two pills a day just after surgery, dropped to one pill a day after one week and completely off the meds by the 8 week mark. It takes time. Your body needs to adjust and you have to lose some weight before the pressure begins to drop. There is no guarantee that it will normalize, but it is possible, as it happened for me.
Take care,
Happy Holidays,
Karen G