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Topic: 1 Yr. Anniversary and PS surgery
Hey Fellow December Anniversaries,
Wow hasn't this been one heck of a year. Sorry I didn't get on to commererate the anniversary of my re-birth day on the 16th. I was in Wichita Falls getting ready for my PS surgery and the computer that was in the hospitality house was down. Well I has my tummy tuck done on the 19th and am in some discomfort right now but it is getting better each and every day and today is only day 8 post op. I think I caught a little flu bug this weekend which wasn't fun, throwing up with incisions from my front to my back, talk about ouch. 
Today I actually went in to work and did my 3 hours and was really ready to go at 12pm, but it has been a great day and I'm feeling better then I have in quite a few days. Well everything went good with my surgery and I just can't even believe how tight my tummy feels. I'm not allowed to bend over for 3 weeks and not even sure at that time that I will be able to bend over, things are really tight. I've got to tell you all and I know you'll know what I mean, this is such an awesome feeling to have that big blob off my tummy area. It really makes me feel like I've accomplised something for myself and that feels great. The day after surgery they got me up and took me into the bathroom to shower and to show me my new tummy and I just stood there for 5 minutes staring at it and crying, I couldn't even believe it. I had such an awesome nurse she cried with me. I also lost 11 lbs when the took they did the surgery and removed the skin. They took a picture of it and gave it to me to have.
This surgery has been a true gift from God and I believe that it has saved my life. I will never again go back to eating the ways that I did that got me into the old patterns, this new life feels so good. I'm so thankful that I was blessed with a wonderful Dr who helps people change they're lives. There has been nothing easy about this but it is worth the effort that I am required daily to put into it.
While I was in Wichita Falls my DH talked me into buying a new coat, which is alot I hate buying winter coats it always depresses me. Well for the first time in my life I went into the department and put on a coat a size 8/10 and it fit me perfectly. I about fell on the floor with shock and then exictement set in. This is truly awesome!!!
Well I hope that you all are doing well and nearing your goals and thank you to all of you who have been wonderful friends and supporters to me in my continuing journey.
Take care,
RNY 12/16/04
Tummy tuck 12/19/05 (lost 11 lbs with this surgery)

Topic: HELLO TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas And A happy New year.
I have been gone for a while and I wanted to say hi to you all and say that I miss you all very much, but I am back to stay. We all are doing so well. I have lost 225lbs and I feel great My 1 year check up was last week and the doctor said everything is perfect..Thank God!!! I feeel; great adn I have lots of energy and stamina..(YEA))))))Anyways lets do a weight check and see how much we have all lost ok? Here i go to start it, just add the your weight to the post and keep going.I will start 225lbs.....God bless you all.
Topic: RE: Hi everyone - I've been MIA for a while
Melissa, FINALLY. I have been dying to talk to you. I have lost 225lbs and I just had my one year check up and the doctor said everything is perfect. I really miss talking to you. Please get in toouch with me.God bless and I will talk to you soon. Your friend Ron In Yuma Arizona.
Topic: RE: Food is not what it use to be
I am 10 lbs below my goal and no idea how to begin maintenance. I am terrified of gaining back the weight, but should be more afraid of not loosing anymore. I don't like to eat. The flu is going around and I may be coming down with something so I am hoping that is why I am so bummed out and exhausted. I still love to cook, but don't like to eat anything. I am so far from the person I used to be it is scary sometimes. I am going to crank up my exercise program with Pilates classes next week and am hoping that some tough workouts will increase my appetite and help my not gain any weight. I will let you know how that goes. That and continue the water/vitamen/protien thing.
Topic: Food is not what it use to be
It has been awhile since my last post. The Holidays have really made me relook at the past year. The 20th was my year aniversary. Over 100 lbs lost and trying not to loose anymore. (I am now down to 134 and the doctor wants be no less than 150) I never thought I would say that. I have no longer a desire to eat. Food is just not what it used to be. Sometimes I even forget to eat and when I do, most of the time I have difficulty. Is anyone else having that problem and any suggestions??

Topic: RE: Happy Re-birthday all you 27ers
I just realized it has been 1 year ago today. Thanks for jogging my mind! I feel great. Boy what an awesome year it has been.

Topic: RE: Happy Re-birthday all you 27ers
Congratulations Michelle!!
Your transformation (health wise) is miraculous!! Enjoy your new life and remember that it is a precious gift.
Be well,
Michele N.
282/168/?? (whatever makes me feel good)
Topic: RE: One Year Ago Today!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Barb!!
You can do anything you set your mind!! That last 10lbs will seem to take forever, but they will come off!!
Be well,
Michele N.
282/168/?? (whatever makes me feel good)
Topic: A little past my Anniversary Post
Hi everyone,
I have not been on the website or this forum in a long time. I never really did post too much before hand, but I thought I should give an update. My one-year anniversary was on December 13th. On that day, I was down to 172 (a weight I had maintained for almost 2 months). It wasn't quite what I had hoped to be (although it is minus 110 lbs), but I had maintained for awhile and I decided I was ready for my lower body lift and tummy tuck surgery. My doctor agreed and I also had to fix a ventral hernia that I had developed after my last surgery. So, exactly one year from my first surgery, I was back in the same hospital having another surgery. I am now 2 weeks post-op and I am suffering from the pain and discomfort associated with healing from this surgery, but I am so greatful for everything.
I truly am a new person, and its difficult to believe that most of the work was done in a year. To look back at this year is pretty crazy. I have a new body, a new job and a new life. I went a little crazy during the summer -- dating and enjoying the new attention -- but now I have found some stability and realize that my new life is a gift and I will savor every moment of it.
I loved reading all of the one year anniversary posts on here. I wish everyone the greatest success with their journeys. And in the end, remember that life itself is a journey and your weight loss trip has just been a part of that journey. Enjoy your new lives, but remember where you came from. I have started mentoring people considering the surgery with my surgeon's office, it is very rewarding and it keeps me grounded.
Be well,
Michele N.
282/168/?? (whatever makes me feel good)