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Topic: RE: 1 Yr. Anniversary and PS surgery
Thank you. Good luck with your upcoming tummy tuck, it's worth it. Have fun with the scuba lessons.
Take care,
Topic: RE: Happy New Year!
Girl you have done so wonderful with your weight. You look wonderful
We have all been through so much and life is so precious, don't let it pass you by.

Topic: RE: Jerry Heard passed on!!
My prayers and thoughts are with Jerry and his family on this sad time for them.
We are the fotrune ones and she thank our blessings.
Topic: Jerry Heard passed on!!
To all my family in the gastirc bypass for over the last several months I have been asking for prayers for a man that my sister( who is a RN) who works in the ICU was her patient (Jerry Heard) died the day before Christmas eve! I just want to thank all who took the time to PRAY for him. Jerry had Gastirc bypass and spent every day after the surgery in the ICU. We all know what can go wrong in alot of ways alot of us have no idea after Jerry's problem I totally understand how dangerous this can be, for 7 months he didn't make it home now I know that he is with the Lord and not anymore pain, this is hard because I don't understand. I just hope that all of us realize how fortune it we are to have come this far with no real problems. I wish you all a happy and healthy New year. Sincerely Heather Sizemore 12/30/04 260/130
Topic: RE: My anniversary was Dec 16, and I am down 160 pounds!
Our anniversary is the same day!! Have a wonderful 2006.
Topic: RE: Happy Birthday Family!!
One more thing, Judy. You and I had our surgeries on the same day. Happy, happy.
Topic: RE: Happy Birthday Family!!
Hi, Judy, et al!
Yes, 2005 was quite a trip! I'm still amazed at what my body has become in such a short time.
Bless us all, everyone. Healthy and prosperous 2006.
Topic: RE: Happy Anniversary to me.
Happy Anniversary Diana! You have done so great! Congradulations!