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Topic: RE: Need some advice from the Dec 04 crew
I can't say that I've experienced what you have. I can comment on the not being able to sleep past 8:00am. I know that I've found I don't need as much sleep as I did before losing all this weight. I know in the past I could take a nap, and then go to bed at my regular time without a problem. Now, I find I don't really need to nap and if I do I'd better not nap too long or I won't be able to get to sleep. I think the weight loss has positively impacted my energy level.
As far as your problems during the night, is it possible your blood sugar is going low? Did you have any problems with diabetes prior to your surgery. I find on occassion my blood sugar will go low during the night and I wake up sweaty. Just something to think about.
When are you going back to the doctor for your follow up? I think you need an answer on the dumping issue. It doesn't sound like you are getting enough nutrition if you are dumping on everything. Have you tried adding protein shakes until you get this resolved?
I hope you get some answers soon. It sounds terrible to be dumping on everything you eat. Keep us posted.
Take care,
Topic: Need some advice from the Dec 04 crew
OK, I know I am probably weird, but I need some input, or advice, or reassurance or something...
It has seemed that since I had my gallbladder out back in the end of February, I am falling apart at the seams... Over the last couple of weeks I have blamed this on being sick, and it could still be the cause in a round about way, but none of the doctors can seem to tell me for sure. I am hoping someone who is about as far out as me can give me a little insight... and hopefully not from first hand experience...
Everything I put in my mouth is making me dump... It doesn't matter how healthy, or unhealthy it is, it all seems to make me dump. Things that have never bothered me before as well as things that have. I had a bout a 1/4 cup of very lean pulled pork today, along with 1/4 cup baked beans and about 2 bites of potato salad. before I could finish what was on my plate I was dumping.... to include increased heart rate, profuse sweating, nausea, stomach cramps, the whole nine yards.... friday I had a few bites of cheese eggs and grits, and the same thing.... I ate some fat free deli turkey slices, and once again, the same thing.... the only thing that doesn't seem to make me dump lately is my Crystal Light Orange Sunriser, and peanut butter crackers. But I'm starting to get very tired of eating that...
The 2nd problem that I am having is that I am having an awful time with sleeping... Before WLS I could easily sleep till noon on my days off work. Now for the life of me, I can't sleep past 8:00am. Plus, over the last 2 weeks, I can't even manage to sleep thru the night. I go to bed freezing, finally warm up enough under the covers to fall asleep, and in a little bit, I am awake, sweating, and throwing off the covers. This happens several times a night and is very frustrating. I wonder if this is happening because of the weight loss and it's affects on what our hormones do. I had a hysterectomy in 2000 and have taken hormones ever since. Am I just not absorbing them anymore???
Anybody have any ideas on either of these issues??? Has anyone else gone thru this stuff??? I know I should ask the doctor about this stuff, and I will ask when I go back for my next follow up appt, but until then I thought, if anyone has ideas or suggestions I'd love to hear them.
Alright... I'm done whinning... I'll try to go get in the bed, and get some sleep... Some nights it just seems like a waste of time.
Topic: RE: Home Gym
Hello Karen,
That is great. I am so jealous. I have a gazelle and I use
it on the nights I don't go walk with my support group.
I really want to join a gym. You've got it made.
Have a great day,

Topic: post op Drugs list
Does anyone know where I can go online to get the drug list for post op peoples?
You know the one that lists all the drugs you can no longer take after surgery?
Seems I have to take some antibiotics and have no idea where to find the list anymore...
Topic: Hi All !!! depo-provera shot
Hi everyone... boy i haven't been on here in a very long time. I'd say at least 6 months or more. Anyway, I just wanted to say i've only lost about 60-70 pounds (which i'm extremely happy with) but recently i got the depo-provera shot... and it seems like i gained about 10 pounds... which is alittle depressing since now my pants (which i like tight) are even tighter and my sides are hanging out alittle over the top of the pants. so, i was wondering if anyone else has taken this birth control shot and gained weight ( yes, i already know it's a common side effect) but has anyone gained weight but eventually lost it? thanks for responding

Topic: RE: 2 days left!!!
you sound like me all i really wanted really badly was my arms done..the i said screw it and said lets go for the boob job my insurance isn't paying for it and the arms alone cost me $4500 then the boobs are another $5500 so all in all i'll be payin for a while but its worth it ..i'll fill you gals in when i feel good enough to type again..

Topic: RE: 2 days left!!!
Hi Liz
Good luck on your surgery! You have to give us all the details when you recover.
Having my arms done is the biggest most imortant thing I want done ASAP.
Did your ins. pay? If you paid do you mind me asking how much? You can email me if you'd like. I am just very very interested in PS for my arms, I'm almost desperate to have them done.
Topic: RE: Changes in my life
ah......................Long distance hugs coming your way!
I'm sorry all of this is happening at once. I'm sure you will find a great home for your collie. As for work, You will find a new job soon with way better hours and you'll end up spending more quality time with your family if you have weekends off, that and you'll start feeling better!

Topic: RE: Home Gym
Thanks for your encouragement. I'm going to give it my best effort. I have vacation planned from July 31 to August 20th and would like to be nearer to my goal.... before I attend my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. The party is August 5th and it is a full wedding ceremony and reception. Even if I could lose another 15-20 pounds before the bash, I would be elated.
Karen G