My Update... I'm really still alive and kicking

Susan Bertrand
on 4/28/06 12:21 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Hi Everybody!!! Sorry that I have been MIA lately.... This new life really gets ya out and about, and away from the computer. Although, I do try to atleast read to keep up some... I think I told everyone about having to have my gallbladder out back the last of February... I was back in the hospital again last week for 8 days with horrible left side and abdominal pain. I initially thought it was just another kidney stone AGAIN... but as they were doing CT Scans looking for stone locations, they started finding other things. The 1st thing they found really cracked me up... a surgeon came in to tell me that the radiologist called him and said that I had a 'hot' appendix, and they were getting ready to take me to surgery to remove my appendix. I think the surgeon was a little disappointed when I asked could the appendix grow back??? Mine was removed 21 yrs ago. He called to OR satff at 930pm and told them they could go home... mine was already removed. I bet they were ticked off that they had to wait around so long for nothing. The next thing the found was a fairly large hematoma on my left kidney. No one is qutie sure how it got there, but on my 4th day in the hospital they took me back to CT Scan to drain the hematoma. They drained 30 cc's of old blood from it, and sent it to pathology thinking there may be cancerous cells. Luckily it came back negative for any cancer. Then on my 8th day in the hospital they finally sent me for the lithotripsy for the kidney stone. The hospital where I work is where I was a patient.... At this hospital, and the sister hospital in our town, they have not renewed the contract for the lithotripsy or lazertripsy machine, so I had to be transferred to the 'Competition' Hospital for my lithtripsy to be done. By ambulance no less... I had the lithotripsy done, and was sent back to my own hospital without any problems... My doctor came in friday afternoon and discharged me. I managed to survivie it all... thanks to the demerol pump that I had for 7 of the 8 days I was there... when I came home I realized just how much pain I had been having and how much I missed that demerol pump. I am still having some pain, but since I have been home a week now, I am finally starting to feel a little better. I'm still having to take some pain meds to get by, but I am down to the lighter stuff now. I go back to work next week. Good thing too, as I have used up all my sick time. Not getting paid really sucks.... Still having a bit of a difficult time with my little one. Had to go to court for him today. I am so hoping to get him into Long Term Residential Care soon. Poor little guy has got to get some more intensive therapy. Maybe someone some day will actually get me some help. I am near the point of having to quit my job to get him the help he needs, just so that he can get medicaid to get this help. It really ticks me off that I may have to give up my career that I love just to get him help, but you gotta do what you gotta do.... I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep my job, and get him what he needs... Not sure about everyone elses weight loss, but I have not lost any more weight in about 8 months or so. I gained some with my gall bladder surgery, and the with the kidney stone stuff, but I have finally lost it back. For some reason, my body just doesn't seem to want to get below 175. I am fairly happy at this weight, but would still love to lose this last 10-20 lbs. I am hoping that during the summer that I can get to work on being more serious about trying to get it off. I feel so good where I am. I have been on the go nonstop for the last several months for hockey season. While I will miss my hockey during the off season, I will enjoy the rest. OK, Enough about me... I hope this finds everyone else doing well... I will TRY to be around a little more. Hugs, Susan
on 5/4/06 2:27 am - Spring Hill, KS
Hi Susan Wow what a fiasco! You certainly have been trhough alot. Hoping everything gets going for the better. Hugs, Kelly
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