Wedding Pics
Hi my fellow Decemberite family!
As promised, here are some pics from the wedding and the honeymoon suite... We had a great time and are both looking forward to our much longer honeymoon coming in June... We are going out to Cedar Point (a fantastic amusement park) in Ohio for 3 days and then will be visiting my family the rest of the time we are there... Joe & I both love rollercoasters so we could think of nothing better than doing this for a honeymoon trip....
password: margaritas
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! (((HUGS)))

Thank you Diana! I feel great other than the doc still needs to help me get my meds regulated for the depression... My hubby has been worried about me cuz I can cry or become angry at the drop of a hat... I'm not usually like that... I think a lot of it may have to do with all I am going thru with my hubby's mom and the demands her health has placed on us... She has alzheimers the doc believes and WOW it's tough!! We're working on getting her some long-term care to help alleviate the pressure on us somewhat... anyhow, enough about that...
Hope you're having a great weekend! It's been raining like cats and dogs here all day... YUCK! I had a class this morning from 9 to 1 and then my new brother in law took us out to eat as a wedding gift... It was very nice...
Ok it's 2 am now and this night owl is going to bed! Ta-ta for now sweetie!! (((HUGS)))

Thanks Donna! Yes you need to get you one of those honeymoons... Our was just an overnight trip and the main one is coming in June... We are heading to Ohio to Cedar Point... Since Joe & I both love coasters so much we couldn't think of a better thing to do than what we love... Although Vegas woulda been quite fun too...
Oh well maybe some other time...
Hope you're having a great weekend! (((HUGS)))