Hello, everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I have just read some posts and see that a lot of you have done really great and lost tons of weight. It's really inspiring. Perhaps, I should visit this site more often. I used to read message boards every day, and had fallen off the wagon in more ways than one. I don't think I have lost any weight since last summer. Almost nothing makes me sick and I have to battle the emotional hunger. Sometimes it's frustration, sometimes it's boredom that makes me reach out for carbs or sweets. I've also been going through rough times with my husband. We can't seem to stop fighting and I feel like we hate each other sometimes. I step on the scale every day and freak out if I've gone up a pound or so. I am trying to go back to the gym more often, too. I really really want to finally leave plus sizes behind and get below 200 lbs. I am at the edge, where some pluses fit, some are too big and there are some regular missy sizes that fit. Your input would be appreciated.Sorry for the long post.
((( HUGS ))))
I've been struggling since last fall. Losing only 1-4 pounds per month. It is much harder work to get the weight off at this stage of the game, but it can be done. You just have to keep watching your intake and your exercise levels. Burn up those calories. I count calories and protein levels. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water. It also makes a big difference in the movement of the scale.
Sorry to hear about your relationship problems. I hope you are able to work things out. Concentrate on yourself for awhile and perhaps it will help you in both aspects. (weightloss and your marriage)
Karen G

WOW! I feel like I am right there with you! I have had the exact same problems. (Minus the husband thing) I really am sorry to hear that you two are fighting so much. It is a hard change in life and makes a lot of couples feel the pressure. Men feel like they are losing the wife they had when we lose the weight. I know it sounds funny but I have heard the same thing from many people.
I do feel the same way you do about the weight. I am STUCK! It is so hard to get movement on the scale. I have no routine in exercise, and I too can eat anything I want. It makes it hard to lose the weight. I find myself hiding things again and trying to eat more. It is scary and I think the scariest part is that I know I am doing it. I am trying to stop it but like before it is hard!
good luck to you and you and your husband will be in my prayers!
your sister in wls
I am sorry you are having trouble with hubby. I am out of that kind of situation and now live the single life so I have total control over what food is brought into the house. One thing you may find helpful is to find an eating routine that works for you. A couple of things to keep i mind:
Dont let yourself go too many hours without a good meal or snack. The body tells us when we are needing food. If we wait too long we are more likely to make poor choices. Guilty here.
Concentrate on the basics- protein first, veggies second, good whole grains third. Other carbs as a treat.
Repeat to yourself over and over- "I want to be healthy and feel good. and I want to do it for ME"
Get away from things when you can. Get by yourself and find something you alone enjoy. I like to read a good book, listen to music I like, and take a drive. I would love to learn to do cross stitch and country dancing.
I still have many foods that make me yak if I eat too much. Sugar sends me running to the John. Fatty foods do the same but I can tolerate a little. Sometimes it is a matter of thinking "okay I can eat this, but should I?" Guilty here too.
There are foods that I havent tried only because I am afraid that I CAN eat them.
This message board has been my major source of support. Only those who are making this journey can understand. Outsiders may mean well at best but they don't really know what we struggle with.
God Bless
Sorry this was long. I hope my words are nothing but encouraging. IF not please just take what you need and leave the rest.
Michelle R