Where is our Dec Board????
Hi Cheri,
I'm here. I know it's so quiet in here. Yes, it's
great fitting in seats. Hubby and I went to the
Houston rodeo and I fit in the seat. I could even
cross my legs. In the past I had to squeeze in the
seats. I even didn't go a few years because I was
so miserable.
As for my weight loss. I keep bouncing between
175 to 177. I still want to lose more. I would have
to get down to 154 to have a normal BMI. I really
don't see that happening since I have lost so much.
Well gotta run and get ready for work. Thanks for
Take care,

I lurk and sometimes respond to posts. There hasn't been much activity on the December 04 board lately, so I hang out on the Main Message board, or the WLS Grads Message board. I am still struggling to reach my goal weight. I am at 189 and need to lose another 39 pounds to reach goal. I am enjoying my new sizes, but don't want to stop just yet. I live the second hand shops. LOL Afraid to buy new clothes until I reach my goal weight.
Glad to hear from you and to see you are enjoying your new body. I hope 2006 is a wonderful year for you.
Karen G
294/ 189/ 150

I am lurking in the shadows ... jus****ching... waiting....
for something to post to!
Anyway, I am fine just staying around the 187-190 area. I would love to hit my goal weight. I went down to 185 ad started to work on muscle tone. I went back up to 190 a week later. Let's hope it is all muscle tone. I have a goal to be down to 180 by April 8th and to be down to 175 ( my personal goal) by April 20th.
I started to do something that I haven't done in 10 years. I am bicycling now! I wanted to teach my son. I have not succeeded in the past but this time I actually got on my mothers bike and took off. I had so much fun that my son got on his bike and started to chase me! We have been bike riding every nice day since. I am now looking for an attachment for my daughter to ride with me. They are so expensive! This would really help so that I could ride in the day while my son is at school. She is 4 and really wants to go riding with me!
Enough babble!
Happy to be lurking and glad to see a few more posts recently!
your sister in WLS
I was within 4 pounds of my goal (9 pounds of the doctors goal) hit it for 4 days and am now back up to 155 pounds - I really want to be 145 pounds - at least between 145 and 150 - I am going through a lot of head stuff right now and the head is winning - I must get back on track - I must get back on track - I must get back on track.....the last 10-20 pounds are hard to get off and keep off...