plastic surgery consult
i have an appointment scheduled for march 28th . i'm so excited ..i want it to be tommorrow!..also i just started a new job at i've been busy..also trying to get my 2 and a half year old daughter potty trained (any advice on that would be greatly appreciated) by the way has anyone had any plastic surgery yet???also since i just started this new job they said i would have to wait until my 90 day probabtion period is over which won't be until May and i'm hoping to get the plastic surgery before then is there anything i can tell them so they will let me go before the 90 days and still keep my job?? thanks.
much love
I worked for Target for four days and then went to Sears. I worked the night shift stocking and it was not bad but they hired who ever for the night shift and the people I worked with where nasty and one guy kept putting the hit on me and that's a
in my book as I'm a married woman who has a husband that rocks my world
I can't help you with a toddler being potty trained. I'm having a hard enough time getting my residents in the assistant living that I work at to go potty at night
Sadly they go back rewards in time. Adult, teen and, child and baby
but someone must care and love them.

Hi Liz,
I don't really have any advice about the job and the 90 day period. I've only worked one place it's going on 9 years, I've been here since I was 17 years old... maybe that will be the next thing I change
As for the plastic surgery, I had a breast lift w/ implants on 1/18/06 and LOVE the results. My full extended TT (with a full belt incision all the way around the waist) is scheduled for 3/29/06- 8 days
. I'm scared and excited about this one.
Best of luck to you w/ your consult, your potty training
, and with your new job!