I need advice....

on 3/7/06 10:45 am - Northfield Center, OH
I'm probably way older than most everyone here and I could stand some help ...HELP! Since Jim retired 5 years ago AND we retired from being foster parents...(We mostly adopted all of them and ran out of room!!) things have been a little tight around here And 2 of our older kids moved home... (they both help) I saw an ad for our local recreation center and I applied. The guy called this eve. (I never thought he would) He was asking me a few questions and I don't think I answered very well. AND at the same time, one of the kids was having a temper tantram. Tomorrow at 4 I'm supposed to go there for a seconed interview. I want this job. Any good advice for someone that hasn't been to an interview in 30 years!?! The job is for working at the front desk and in the "tot room" He said I would have to be aquainted with all the rec. centers programs. Should I know them BEFORE I go? I guess I'm just being tense.. But I'm kinda used to being somewhat in control and I can't be here. Thanks Judy
on 3/7/06 8:15 pm - Effort, PA
Just be yourself They'll train you on the rec. center programs if they hire you. Best of luck and I hope you get the job. Donna 338/154
on 3/7/06 8:49 pm - Northfield Center, OH
Donna, Thanks for the advice. I'll go in with a positive attitude. The guy that does the hiring sounds about 12, maybe I can bake him some cookies! ((hugs)) Judy
on 3/8/06 10:13 am - Effort, PA
Maybe you can pat his bottom dry, diaper him and he'll give you the job YOU GO GIRL!! Donna 388/154
on 3/8/06 12:46 pm - Northfield Center, OH
It really was strange sitting in the office with whom would decide my fate. I'm not sure but I think his toys were under the desk! Really he seemed very nice. He kept asking me written questions that probably will be my "working demise" He asked me how long I wanted to work there. Now ordenarllly, an answer would be years and years. But I'm 60 years old, so years and years take on a whole new meaning, if ya get my drift.... So I told him 20 years. I couldn't help it, it just came out, the more nervous I get, the more my mouth moves, almost if it has a mind of it's own. In the end after all the questions he told me there were 50 apps. submitted and I was one of 8 face to face interviews he is doing. I would, if hired be required to take cpr and first aid (no biggie, I've done that for 35 years) Also a backround check, which I was really good about.( I've also had to do that every so often for foster care) I didn't even get silly and ask him if they count those pesky bank robberies! Or if they just check Ohio...... I think it would be a nice place to work and I'm hoping I'll get it. But I have enough to worry about, (the tooth fairy has to show up tonight for two of the kids, I swear they're pulling them out just for the cash!) and we have testing tomorrow so I have to go pack three of the girls "healthy snacks" Have a happy.... Judy
Monica B.
on 3/7/06 8:19 pm - Emery, SD
Any chance that the programs are on line? Going in with knowledge is powerful, Hey I am 58 and I am willing to try new things. Good luck. BE honest and yourself. Monica
on 3/7/06 8:58 pm - Northfield Center, OH
Monica, One of the kids handed me a brochure this morning so I'll go over it today before the interview. It's a good thing I'm married. Think how my nerves would be acting up if I had to date again! I never used to be nervous going for a job! Have a great day! ((hugs)) Judy
Diana C
on 3/8/06 3:07 am - Pearland, TX
Hi Judy, Just remember to smile. I do some interviewing for my job and you won't believe how some people do not smile. I know you will do well. I'll be sending you lots of positive energy. Let us know how it goes sweetie!!! Take care, Diana
on 3/8/06 12:58 pm - Northfield Center, OH
Diana, I smiled like there was no tomorrow! AND I shook hands-firmly but not to firmly. I don't know if I'll get it but it definatly was an experience. My older kids told me I should mention that I can multitask- I've done that forever but never actually used it in a sentence or told someone that I was able to do it!! And I practically reeked of positive energy. Well, I'll let ya know what happens.... Judy
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