Good & bad Experiences
I think it's important to share all our experiences, be it bad or good ones as we can learn from each other.
Since having my WLS I have not had any major problems beside my throwing up from time to time but I can handle that.
Last night I woke up around 2am because I was choking and realized that my Acid reflex had returned. I had the burning in the back of my throat and I reached for my water and took a sip and suddenly I felt nauseated and my pouch felt very sore and inflamed. I thought what the hell is going on now, did I catch the flu that's going around
My lips where really dry also and my first thought was that I was dehydrated. I sipped down some more water only to find myself running to the bathroom and hurdling my guts out into the toilet. What I mean by my guts is that my guts hurt something awful when I threw up. I thought to myself. there went all my dinner from last night so I figured it was over with, maybe dinner did not settle well with me. I drank some more water and laid back down only to bee line it to the bathroom again to throw up my water.
Now I'm starting to get worried and scared as my pouch is still feeling really inflamed/sore and I can't keep water down and that darn acid and bile stuff keeps foaming and burning the hell out of pouch and throat
I'm laying there in bed thinking do I wake Ron up and bother him to take me to the ER or suffer it out and see if I feel better by morning. I'll be tough and see how I feel in the morning. My poor husband has been through enough himself and needs his rest.
I never got back to sleep as my pouch would not allow me to and every time I laid down the acid would return so I got up at 4am to let the dogs out and while down stairs I suddenly got really nauseated and headed for the bathroom. I guess my pouch said enough is enough!! I have never felt my pouch pull so hard when throwing up but out came a piece of meat that I had eaten the night before and it must have lodged it's self down there.
The lesson I had learn from this is NEVER eat and then lay down and go to sleep right away. Ron came home late and I went down stairs and pulled a peace of meat out of the chili, downed it and went to bed. If I had stayed up I might not have suffered like I did all night. Now I must baby my pouch as I know it's still sore and irritated.
Sorry this was so long.

I don't have acid reflux, this was a one time deal from that meat being stuck in my stoma and causing build up of that nasty bile and acid. It really made my pouch sore and I had someone cover for me at work last night so I could sleep due to lack of sleep the night before. My pouch still feels a little sore this morning but I'll recover
I felt it was important to share it so that others know what to look for if it ever happens to them. It could have been worse for me and I could have had a strictor (sp)