One More Question...Protein Shakes?
Hello Everyone:
I am getting a little nervous about Friday but I am ready. Just one more question.
Has anyone tried Stallone's protein shake? My nutritionist told me to purchase ones that were high protein and low sugar. I went to GNC and they had walls field with protien shakes and I stood there for minutes undecided
as to which one to purchase. The lovely salesperson helped me to select Stallone's shake and now I am wondering if that is going to give me all the protein that I need. It has 18 grams protein and 0 grams of sugar. What kinds do you drink? Thanks

The only ones I like are the Advantage Atkins shakes. They come in cans so I can grab one and take it with me. I get mine at Wal-Mart but if you want to see what I'm talking about then click below. I'm not into mixing my own drinks as I get up early and don't have time for that stuff.\
There are a million different ones, as you've found. Some are liquid, some are powders. Some are thick, some are thin, some are creamy, some are fruity. And as many as there are, you'll find people who like different ones. My advice is to ask GNC if they have sample packs of different brands, which many carry. That way, you can try them all. And remember, if you mix them with milk, that's another 8 grams of protein. And your body can't take in more than 35 grams at a time.
You are officially on the other side!! Merry Christmas! I had my surgery 12/16/04- I am 100 lbs lighter. So just remember that next Christmas- you too,will be about 100 lbs lighter. The world will be your oyster! It feels so good to wear normal clothes! I am smaller than my 23 yr old daughter!
The coming few months are TOUGH- alot of throwing up and intolerance to new foods as you try them. IT WILL BE WORTH IT! I wondered if I had made the right decision early on when nothing stayed down.
I had to go thru 5-6 brands of protein shakes to find one I could tolerate. I found "Designer Whey" at Vitamin World in vanilla was the one. It is not very sweet.
Keep us posted and get your rest...........................Carolyn