Bad today- Whopper attack
I have been so good all these months without touching those awful fast food burgers and today I caved in and ate half a whopper at burger king and it tasted so good. Hopefully my craving won't come back for a very long time.
Who else has caved in under the pressure of cravings?

Don't feel bad - it happens to us all. I caved or halloween very badly - had like two or three bad candy days. Unfortunately for me I don't dump - wish I did. I finally told my daughter to take it and hide it in her room. I've never let her put it in her room before because I can't monitor how much she's eating then. But, had to get it out of my site. Now I'm back on the

Hello Donna,
Me!!! I cave under pressure. When hubby and I used to
go to the movies I was so good about not eating his
popcorn. Just recently I cannot say no. It smells so
good and I just can't help myself. I eat it real slow just
one kernal at a time. Before surgery I didn't like popcorn.
Strange huh?
Take care and have a great weekend.

It seems that you did just what we should do. We are only human. You chose fast food and chose something with protein. Thats a good thing, don't beat yourself over it. Once in awhile isn't if you were to do this on a daily basis...then I would beat myself up...but if its a every now and then... its okay. Remember: The KEY to SUCCESS is MODERATION.
At doc's goal
9# till Personal Goal
Ditto for what everyone is saying ... to me, the big plus of having surgery was that I COULD eat whatever I wanted, just in moderation! Well, I don't dump, so I can, and often I do. (And I guess that explains my being stuck at my current weight so long!) But to have lost as much as you have, obviously what you're doing is working for you! Having an occasional treat means you're human, and you're finding a way to eat for a lifetime, not just for a diet. After all, haven't we ALL lost weight before, on diets? And then we went back to our old habits, and gained it all back, plus more? So it will take time to learn a new way, which has to include not feeling deprived all the time! If we view this a just another diet, with strict dos and don'ts, we will at some point go 'off' the diet, and then what?!
And as others pointed out, you DID have protein, after all! I have gotten the Whopper Jr and eaten just the bottom roll. And have you tried the KFC snackers? Just one of those, with some coleslaw on top, is so satisfying! And just consider how much you would have been eating, before! I'll bet you're saving hundreds of calories compared to before!
~~ Leslie