Everyone Weigh-In...
Ok, let's do a quick check in! Everyone seems so scattered these days, until I don't know where we are, weight wise, and so forth. So, lets do a weight loss check in, posting what we weigh not...vs... what we have lost to date. Nothing more!
Just a note to all my 'OLD SCHOOL' December 04 Crew! Where is everyone? I haven't seen the 'old crew' in here in a while, which makes less communication for us all.
I do see a few new patients in here, so hello to you as well.
I hope everone will come back, post andparticipate a bit more, since we are so close to the 'mark'!
**Once you post your weight loss, be sure to add the weight loss of the person before you, and give a running total.
Why not do a check in, righ now... I'll starat with myself:
Now: 238