Funny comments!
Hey, guys! I was just thinking of the some of the funny comments that people have made to me since the surgery about how I look now. You know the ones where it is funny but then you begin to think, "What did you think about me when I was fat?" The back handed kind of compliment!
About three months ago this woman told me that I was becoming quite the beauty! I guess I'm not there yet! Was I a troll before or what?
I'm sure that we have all heard our share of comments like that. So, that's all share our funny comment moments!
238/135/Goal 120

I have heard.
Your starting to look pretty now or one lady gasped and said. Look how pretty her face is since losing so much weight.
Your looking younger every day.
You have beautiful eyes. Where was my eyes before? Sunk into my head
Now I'm hearing from my best friend and her husband. Your to thin and I just give them the old

I have two...
One was from a friend who weighs about 270 pounds. She refuses to consider the surgery but it's "ok for you if you wanna do that sorta thing." Anyway, after seeing me for the first time in four or five months, instead of saying I looked great or I've really gotten smaller, the first words out of her mouth were, "You've really lost your boobs."
The other one was from my friend Mark. He's always kind of aloof but he's analytical. So I know when he makes a statement, it's been analyzed in his head. His comment to me was:
"You're no longer a BBW (Big Beautiful Woman). You're now just a slightly overweight normal person."
Great topic. Thanks for posting it!!
Hello everyone,
I've got a funny one. Anyone at work that comes to use the fax
machine that sits on the left side of my desk has to scoot
behind me. I have to move my chair up some so they can
fit. Here comes this lady so I start to roll my chair forward.
She said "oh we fit now you don't have to do that anymore".
I have another one. I have my picture in the hall way at work
where I received employee of the year (back in 2001). This
guy at work told me "you need to take a new picture for
your award that one is bad". I haven't changed it because
it's in the hall on the way to the lunch room. I look at my
picture on the way to eat and remind myself I don't ever
want to let myself get that big.
Have a great day everyone.

Hi Mindy, People are insane! I started writing down the comments I was
getting. I want to keep them to laugh when I am at goal! One man at church said "I've been meaning to tell you,you're looking better." I mean
seriously,he left room for improvement!! I am looking better,but keep it up...
Then I wore a denim skirt with a slit in it and a co worker said "oh, you
lose weight and this is how you plan to behave/dress?
Another co worker said"now that you've lost weight,the men are really
going to start looking"
But my favorite comment was "Now that your getting skinny,are you
going to leave your husband for someone better?" I just reply " I lost
my weight,not my morals!!!" Life is fun! keep laughing,Melinda