Holiday challange
Hi Angie -
wedding day weight - now that's something to celebrate!!
I went to a wedding this weekend and they had some jump shrimp that was wonderful - I actually had no problem making good choices. They had crab salad that was just crab, onion, celery, and mayo that was yummy, nuts, etc. The week in mexico may cost you
- but you can do it! Make sure you only drink the bottled water!
We're here for you - keep up the great job your doing!

Hey Donna,
I'm right there with you. In that last five weeks I've lost 1 pound. I'm hoping that it's just a platuea and will break soon. I'm about ready to go on the platuea busters diet - but, I've had such consistant wonderful loss I decided it's just my turn! You'll do ten pounds by Christmas with no problem!! I have all the faith in the world for you.
Here's a little help!

OK, I'll join in on the challenge as well... I am also down to only losing 2-3 lbs per month now too... which totally sux... but I knew it was bound to happen. I am currently at 182 lbs. I would love to set my goal of this challenge to my personal goal weight of 155, but I truely think that would be pushing it. So instead, I will set it at my surgeons goal of 165. That is 18 lbs away. My own little current goal right now is to lose 4 more lbs... that will put me at a normal BMI. I don't know if I have ever been normal... For those who might be interested.. I am 5-11. My personal goal of 155 lbs might be attainable, and it might not be... but it is something to keep me focused on what I'd love to be able to do.
Lap RNY 12-1-04
285-182-155 (-103)

Mee Tooo I wanta join!!!
Lets see... I am at 204 now.. would like to loose 29 by christmas. I know thats alot. But that is what I would really like!!!! My Doctors goal is 175 and that would put me there. Of course I am just working on under 200 at the moment. Glad to see someone else is on the Peanut M&M kick!!!!!