Sugar survey!
Good morning December family! I have been reading some of the post and some of you have talked about being able to eat candy, etc.. How many of you can eat sugar and not have any problems.
I am going to toot my own horn!
I do not eat sugar. I have not even tried it since the surgery. Frankly I am scared to death to even try! I found out the hard way that I can not eat sugar without getting very sick!
A few weeks ago I was at a friend's house and we were having coffee. She didn't have anything to put in the coffee except sugar. So, I thought I'd just put a half a tsp of sugar in it, what could that hurt. After about 2 or 3 sips I felt very light headed and sick to my stomach. I had to eat some protein and that seemed to help. Too much fruit also makes me sick.
So, just curious to see what you experiences with sugar have been.
Have a great weekend!
238/137/Goal 125

Unfortunately, sugars, in moderation, don't make me sick. As long as I don't have too much of anything, I can have it. My thing lately that I have been really bad about snacking on is hard candy. I love Atomic Fireballs, and Rootbeer Barrels I could eat them all day, but I try to limit myself on how many I have. I do seem to have a little more trouble with things like cakes and brownies and cookies. But I try to be very frugal with that kind of stuff, and only have it rarely.
I was able to eat sugar at first but within the passed couple if weeks I'm starting to dump on some of these foods. I'm starting to find that I get light headed, break out into a sweat and even feel like I'm going to faint and it last for about half an hour and it's awful so I'm being careful but so many things have sugar in them. I never thought I woud dump on Yogurt but I am now

I always limit myself to 12 or less grams of sugar per serving of food. I've never dumped but it's because I limit myself like that I think. I am too afraid to try higher amounts of sugar. Plus, I don't want to open that door. I had this surgery to change my eating bahaviors, you know?
The only sugar I don't worry about is the natural sugar in fruit. I have no problems with that.
Thanks for posting this question. It's a good one and I am curious where others are at with sugar.
Thank you for all your replies. It is good to know where people are at regarding sugar. We need to remember that sugar making us sick is a GOOD THING! I was addicted to sugar, so, I choose not to eat it at all, because I know that once I try it I will want more and more! It is my biggest weakness! There are a lot of good sugar free treats out there, Thank God! Eating the SF treats helps to keep my cravings to a minimal.
We all just need to remember why we did this in the first place and do our best to stay on track. We need to help each other too.
Okay I'll get off my soap box now!
Thanks for listening!
You're all doing great by the way!
238/137/Goal 125

I haven't tried sugar since surgery. I read the labels and avoid all sugars if possible. I had a 10 gr of sugar yogurt, without any problems, but then I stopped buying that product, because I am trying to lose weight. I just thought the 10 grams might be too much sugar. I eat only low sugar products. (1-6 grams or sweetned artificially)
Unfortunately, my diligence is not paying off. I am stuck at 88 pounds lost and I have been stuck here for some time. I am worried that my body may have become accustomed to its intake and it may have stopped losing. I have recently added a protein shake to my routine, to try and increase my protein.
OOPs. Here I am running off-topic. Sorry.
Karen G