i was seeing...
i was seeing what you guys eat during the day and so i started thinking about what i eat and let me tell you i thought i ate alot but i guess not.heres what i ate today...(by the way today was a bad girl day
breakfast i had like 20 pepperroni's
water water water
snack 1 cheese stick
then lunch i had like 4 bites of spaghetti
water water water
snack 3 crackers
then dinner i had 1 chicken drumstick
water water water
does that seem like enough? or am i crazy?i never feel hungry or anything and most days i eat a little more then that but not by much..what do you guys think?

Wow... I wish I could say that is all I eat in a day. I would probably already be to goal if it was. But now I feel like a hog with all that I eat. Here is an average day for me...
Breakfast: cheese eggs and either bacon or sausage
Snack: Protien shake
Can't drink much plain water, but atleast a 24oz glas of CL Orange Sunrise
Lunch a meat and one veggie from the cafeteria at work
(If I am at home is isusually either some tuna and crackers, or meat and cheese and crackers)
No afternoon snack
Another 24oz glass of CL
Dinner: A meat and a veggie and usually a starch (I love rice)
Another (atleast one) 24 oz glass of CL
Usually at night I either have a NSA Icecream bar, or a Philly swirl. Sometimes I will have fruit instead if I have it on hand
I wish I could have stayed in the mode of not ever being hungry. My hungar came back at about 5 months post-op. Most days the above is about what I eat, with some variation of course. Some days I eat less, and other days I eat more. But compared to what I was eating pre-op, this is a whole lot less. Used to I was having several large servings of everything. Now I am limited to one small serving of each, and I rarely finish the small serving that I fix. I also don't refuse myself something that I really want. That way I can just enjoy a little now, and not want to gorge myself on something later.