Still Feel Full?? (Eat This)!
Ok, is it just me or does it take MORE to make you full?
Sometimes I can finish 1/2 of my plate, (depending on what it is), before I say, ok, I'm there!
It use to take 1/4, and I'll be stuffed!
Now, no matter what I eat... I can eat!
I just want to know where everyone is on this, so EAT THIS:
What is your pouch/food ratio.
What is the time you wait to drink - before/after you eat?
Do you still feel full????? Yes, no....
Does the pouch strech as time goes by? (I know it does, but how much more than our 7 months out)?? More?? Yikes!
No, this is not a survey, but a series of dumb questions I am trying to catch up on from you guys! :smile:
Vera, Crew Encourager
343/253 -10 before -100 Pray for me Ya'll

I agree with you. I realize that if I eat salads then I can eat more than 1/2 of it. When it comes to meat, veggies and maybe a carb, then I can only eat 1/4 of my plate. Depends on the type of foods I eat. There are times that I don't wait my full 30-45 minutes after I eat to drink because I am so thirsty. You would think I would learn my lesson because I get that very full uncomfortable feeling...until it passes.
Over time our pouches will stretch. My surgeon told me that the pouch will stretch, but you will only be able to take in a 1cup of food at a time.
Don't worry Vera you will make the -100 in no time.

Good questions. I would imagine many of us are concerned about our increasing appetites. I'm blessed because I haven't felt hunger yet, so it is easier for me not to increase the quantity of food I'm eating as much as I could. I'm exercising a lot, so I have increased some to give me the fuel I need. As you for questions:
What is the time you wait to drink - before/after you eat? As a general rule, I stop drinking 1/2 hour before meals and wait 1/2 hour after meals before drinking. That is my surgeon's protocol. If I am out of my routine, for example away for the weekend, I may deviate from this a little.
Do you still feel full????? Yes
Does the pouch stretch as time goes by? Yes, I don't know how much and I am trying to keep my portions on the smaller side in the hopes of avoiding this.
My surgeon only wants me eating 4 oz. at a time and rarely does it ever make me feel full. I just measure out the 4 oz. and when it's gone I'm done eating. I thought that I would always be full after eating the prescribed amount but I'm not. I told my surgeon this and she said I could drink 1-2 ounces of water after my meal to help fill me up, but it scares me to do that because I don't want to stretch my pouch out prematurely, so I haven't tried it.
I still stop drinking 30 minutes prior to meals and 30 minutes after a meal.
My surgeon says that our pouch will stretch as we increase the quantity of food but we should not stretch it beyond 6-8 ounces at one year post op.
I'll be interested to see what everyone else is doing.
Great questions Vera!
Well Vera these are good questions.
I try to wait 30min before and after meals to drink but not always. Especially if I eat a teaspoon of peanut butter I can't wait! I have to drink some milk. I heard that if we drink soon after eating or while eating that the fluid washes our food right out and therefore we are not hungry as long.
Anyway, I too feel like I can eat more sometimes. But I think it depends on what we are eating. If it is meat(chicken,pork chop,or steak) I can't eat very much but a salad w/ cheese,chicken,radishes,and eggs, I feel as I eat a normal person's serving. .
As for me personally, I have alot of head hunger issues that I deal w/ almost everyday. I resist but it is still a battle. I do get hungry but not like before, but I still think about food all the time. I think if I keep myself busy it really helps.

I can eat normal sized portions and I worry that it is too much. I try to log my intake, but the carb counts are high and I believe that to be causing my weight loss to slow down.
I can eat an entire bagel, with a slice of cheese. I eat it slow, but I can finish the whole thing. I can also eat 6 oz of most meats, with some veggies, which is a normal sized meal. Still I keep my calories below 1200 everyday. Unfortunately, I have only lost 86 pounds and the loss is very slow now. 1-2 pounds per week at best.
I worry that I won't reach goal. I try not to eat with meals. I water load 30 minutes before meal times, to keep my appetite down. But, yes, I get hungry now and it is alittle scary.
294 / 208 / 150

I can eat more this is a true fact...
I can eat about 4-6 oz depending on the meal. if it is meat, veggie and starch. I can eat about 2-3 oz meat 1-2 oz starch and a few nibbles on veggies. I can eat plenty of soft liquidy stuff like soup. I get full quickly thank god but, i dont always wait the 30min drinking time. I'm hoping my pouch doesnt stretch more like we all are hoping.
P.s. I still love the taste of food
14 lbs to doc's goal
25 lbs to personal goal