weekly weigh in
So here I am almost 8 months out (12/06/04). I have had some plateaus lately that have lasted and lasted. I know that I am melting, I can see it and feel it with clothes and jewelry, but the scale is not moving on down. I am still at 232 lbs. Happy with this 98 lb weight loss. I know that eventually the scale will move. I am feeling healthier, can breath better, walk better, get up and down off the ground (me so afraid of falling or getting down and NOT being able to get up), wear smaller sized clothes that I can get at Walmart or Target, enjoy sex more and more and more, feel clean and pretty, have new hair growing in, living life instead of watching, doing things.....I am so happy for me and for us all who had the courage to take back our lives and have this surgery.
We are awesome, we took drastic step and altered our inside plumbing, and we are successful.
Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah.
age 57
size tight 32/30's now 18/20